0.1.1b Hotfix

Due to the endless crashes,
I played DIABLO4 for a week. After seeing the patch, I nervously logged into POE2, only to crash 15 times within three hours.
Shader lock still happening. Let us load pre-compiled shaders before launching the game or give us those files permanently.

I hv had enough of waiting at least 1min each time i enter a new map due to shaders. Game also not saving them as cache.
shader usless dont play after patch .. when fix this ?
After the latest patch, me and my friends are almost always getting a buffer underflow error OR a instant client crash when we party together. Has anyone found a fix for this?

Sooooooooooooo... naughty Una was misbehaving again... bad Una Bad
You are fixed NPC playing audio now, but maps tab still not ready is it a joke?

Few patches you talking about Una music, who actually care?
Yeah what are they paying by the Una or something? Forget Una already GGG she's old news.
Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
Today I logged in and my rattling scepter wont summon any skeletons and my ball lighting cast on shock wont work with wildshards. It has not triggered once.
Fix loading screens freezes
The game is unplayable for many of us, I don't know what the dev's did to the game but the performance is not good, it just stutters and then crashes to desktop. Is there going to be a fix for the performance problems a lot of are having ? Prior to the update, the game still lagged a lot but it was still enjoyable and playable, now it's not.

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