Zalmarath issues

During the Zalmarath, The Colossus fight, he became invulnerable after moving to his second position in the arena. I was playing with one other person. We noted that another player had this happen with minions, so we started the fight over and I unsummoned my Frost Mages and the problem did not re-occur.
Another issue, Zalmarath was able to push me off of the platform.
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2025, 5:04:29 PM
During the Zalmarath, The Colossus fight, he became invulnerable after moving to his second position in the arena. I was playing with one other person. We noted that another player had this happen with minions, so we started the fight over and I unsummoned my Frost Mages and the problem did not re-occur.
Another issue, Zalmarath was able to push me off of the platform.

Same for me, no hit box here is the video proof:
Same issue here, specifically with Skeletal Arsonists.

Sometimes the Arsonists will just stand there doing nothing at all.

I tested with Skeletal Frost Mages and they seem to work fine throughout the fight.
I ran into the same issue on a monk without any minions (unless Tempest Bell counts as one)
Can confirm. Zalmarath becomes permanently untargetable/invulnerable after moving. I reproduced this multiple times - currently stuck in the campaign. Skill used: Gas Arrow
Last edited by megakillerr#0545 on Jan 28, 2025, 11:16:57 PM
I was just fighting Zalmarath a few times. The first fight was ok, no issues. After dying and re-entering the fight I either fall through the flooring (or get shoved through with his knife stab) or he locks in place (on the right side of screen) and becomes immune to damage. I am using minions and Frost Skeleton. Will do a test run without the frost skeleton and see if it continues.

Edit: went in and removed the frost skeleton, did not have the issue with him immune to damage. Whether that was the symptom or just coincidence, I have no clue.
Last edited by Shibas#3278 on Feb 1, 2025, 4:27:42 PM
Bump, had the same problem with Zalmarath in Cruel. He was vulnerable for a bit after each time he moved, but then would become untargetable or immune maybe? Happened five times in a row, dropped my Skele Brute and everything was fixed. Using Warriors, Clerics, and Reavers was fine.
Same issue on Cruel. Could not damage Zalmarath after he changed spots (but he could hurt me still). Instead of minions I was running totems (artillery ballista) on my gemling legionnaire mercenary.
Last edited by ThePillowGolem#7147 on Feb 9, 2025, 6:13:28 PM
*bump* just saw this for the first time playing witch, boss on what looked like 0 health, invulnerable and minions not attacking
interestingly, I crashed the system out during the fight, and when I logged back in the fight was still ongoing and after a short time (10 secs or so) the minions started attacking and died.

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