0.1.1b Patch Notes (restartless)

damir21#1543 wrote:
version a.b.c.d , and you make updates once a week , you gonna be in EA for the next 200 years give or take .

So in your opinion it is way better if a game is totally bugged and keeps being bugged.
Why not just be happy that they improve and fix bugs every day/every week?
Ah right, because your complete sense of life is to find something that is not working... Do you feal better after posting this?
Because after my comment I dont feal better. But sometime things have to be said.

Thank you GGG, you are doing a great work. Way better than most publishers today. Keep on improving and this game will clearly be the number 1 ARPG ever released. (If it is not already)

Not to mention, if it was constantly being patched rather than doing multiple patches at a time, the game would never be online to find the issues.
PC : SqueakyToyOfTerror
XB : R3SPAWN#7045
Discord : R3SPAWN
hoping fixes for accurate stats displaying everywhere come soon.

many lines are blank in char display.
stats in tooltips change at will.
buff auras are weird, ie. counting minions beyond good.

+6 lives in general in Softcore
+1 auction house
little affraid thats its only now u get crash info, but better than nothing

does your .exe sending last crash report too? cause i had hard crash early EA and now using poeuncrasher(could be nice to if you can get logs hen poeuncrashe uninstable) or integrated poeuncrasher in your code with a launch option too

so hope u didn't miss to get old files ^^
hope u get log for retexture bug to, cause its msgbox() + crash so really hope u save it on .txt in the try catch :D

+1 for roadMap
its not because its E.A or future f2p or stupid other reason
that the player/community is not aware and ready to make this game better

we are IMPATIENT :p but we love this game too
Last edited by xweyn#6388 on Jan 23, 2025, 6:44:49 PM
Another slow week. They must be cooking up something big for next month. Overall status updates have been radio silence. A roadmap would be way too much to ask for.
I'm a skeptical user and borderline hater.
Picked up an Azcapa, the one of the several crashes happened today. Logged back in? Azcapa gone.

This can be enabled by adding "--ex-crash-report" to your Path of Exile 2 command line arguments/launch options.

Does this command still work with using the poeuncrasher by parking the cores? How would it even work anyway since the game doesn't actually crash it freezes up and locks the whole computer as it's over utilizing CPU cores and we need to restart. Or is this for a different crashing scenario?
@#$%ing Una...
Una plays music?

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