If you're ever wondering why div to exalt prices keep skyrocketing

Terspet#0706 wrote:
Haruanix#4811 wrote:
I keep wondering how does one able to store 4 Million exalt, how may quad stash tab needed for that kind of amount and also the gold cost needed to list it for exchange

so you can't do simple math.... check (4000000-5000){they most likely have a currency tab}/20{stack size}/(24*24){quad tab size}. 347 tabs. But you're wrong in thinking one person has that amount, it's all the people trading it for that amount that you see in the exchange window

if you look carefull, the same ratio is there twice, the system shows the best seller/buyer first , and yes that one "person" has 4mil orbs, its ridicilous but not it is what it is, just roughly a month ago in ssf someone else showcased his 1k+ exalt orbs and the power of iir , so having multiple bot accounts farming 24/7 and then send currency to that account with the 4m is just what you have to expect, the problem is to find the real bot accounts farming 24/7 and not falsly ban the guys who do legit trades since unlike other games you cant report a bot for farming as you never will enocunter one yourself

no one has 4 million.

the > sign beside it means greater than, its saying theres 4 million orbs on the market at ratios greater than 1:186.25.

4 million is the total amount in the entire market not being shown in those top 5 cheapest rates.

the exchange rates dont really matter unless you plan to craft something with the currency. divines are often 200 chaos in poe1. i dont rly see any problem.

people will be buying/selling, playing the market, manipulating. thats how markets work, thats how markets in the real world work. if this was the real world someone really would have 4 million exalts.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
spaznaz#0311 wrote:
Here's the prime example of bots/currency sellers manipulating the market.

The numbers that you circled are the entire market minus the other best rates. If you or I put that offer up, we would both add to that number.
I'm a skeptical user and borderline hater.

iam actually sorry, i did not see the > sign, you are 100% correct
spaznaz#0311 wrote:
xaerobb_#8468 wrote:
Haruanix#4811 wrote:
I keep wondering how does one able to store 4 Million exalt, how may quad stash tab needed for that kind of amount and also the gold cost needed to list it for exchange

It's not one trader, probably several thousand of them.
Guys instead of paranoia pounding on this forum better try and learn how trading in poe really works.

You haven't been active enough on the trading market if you think that's actually the normal economy.

I've been exchanging exalts to divs back and forth very very regularly for trading, this only happened on a few occasions which led to huge ratio spikes.

Regular folks do not keep 5000 exalts in the first place, let alone massive stash tabs of them.

This is quite normal, big inflation in POE 1 league usually happens in the fourth week after the start.
In POE 2, this happened in game week 6-7, because the settings are obviously different.
The point of everything is that during that period the majority of players reach the END GAME. Exploitation of end game maps causes a huge number of exalted orbs (in POE 1 they are chaos orbs) to appear on the market which normally causes the prices (ratio exalted : divine) to be current.
mrtepes#7349 wrote:
That's why I switched to SSF mode. from now I play arpg instead of trading simulator

If you played allot of PoE on PC and on console. You should see how PC economy is all bots and currency sellers. PoE on console trade league was so much fun. Trading was really fun.

Having to go back and play with a PC economy even when I play on PC and console is just terrible.

There was a small amount of currency sellers on console. But no bots and nothing like PC.
Like others said, OP is just wrong. That list groups all trades at that price point, it's not all by a single person. Just more of the same of people not understanding economics at all.
The trade market is just accurately depicting the value of exalts compared to divine orbs. I think after the patch you'd definitely see 100-200 exalts per each divine orb with decent rarity.

More players got to end game, and found more efficient ways to farm. And so there's more players with a stack of exlats wanting to trade for divines. Hence the value of exlats plummet.

I also think the "crafting" mechanics in this game are heavily heavily skewed towards bricking items. So if you learn by proxy that spending your exalts on trying to "craft" good gear = losses. You will instead just trade the exalts for divines or items. Which lowers their value even more as the trade market becomes saturated with them.
Last edited by Icesinnox#6517 on Jan 23, 2025, 3:16:00 PM
Why the fuck do items sell for gold?

Why does so much gold drop?????????????

Make trade use a millionth made up currency if you're going to tie it to endless loot generation and add so much gold pickup into the game.

I swear this is something they fought against for so long, they they implement it half intelligently in PoE1, and then just do all the dumb things for 2?
Happens every PoE league. excuse is always supply and demand.

people play for about 3-6 weeks cause everything feels good. Good game, good trade prices people enjoy the game at this time over any other.
then prices start going up. People quit till next league start. So less players more expensive supply gets. If prices are this high means you hit the mark that over 1/2 the pop left the game waiting for a reset.

another reason we need a better trade system keep players active longer.

Last edited by Kaotic-Ouch#9400 on Jan 23, 2025, 3:43:56 PM

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