To everybody complaining about difficulty/one shots
Allow me to say this, one shot mechanics' difficulty level should only be measured in regard to hcssf. I will explain
When i first started poe 1 i've started on standard like everyone else. I remember when i got to act 10 kitava i've died like 20 times until it eventually ran out of hp. Naturally i was thinking wow, this is such a bullshit boss with so many one shot things. Then i saw a video of someone killing it without dying and having full hp and for me it was absurd to see that. It was an hcssf player. So i went hcssf as well to see what kind of magic is that and i've died at fire fury on the coast. That's when i've noticed something: playing standard disconnects half the brain. I'll give an example: When you start as a witch, at lvl 2 you have to choose between +8% spell power/minion dmg or +10 energy shield. There is absolutely no possible reason you could want to pick spell power there. Because the dmg increase is a percentage while the energy shield is flat. And in the early game flat things have more impact. And because it's the start of the game, it's gonna be 8% increase from a low number while getting a relevant flat over a small hp. I've watched a lot of ppl starting for the first time on standard, 95% just take dmg without a second thought. Standard players die to most things because they have the mentality of big dmg first. It's supposed to be that way. The one shot+exp loss it's there just to slow them down cause they will finish the whole content in 2 days otherwise |
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This 100%. If I played a elemental damage build on poe1 you better believe if a map rolled reflects elemental damage I didn't touch it.
If a waystone says burning ground and you don't like burning ground, don't take it. If a waystone has decreased max elemental resists or ele pen, just move to the next one. If the waystone rolls 2 or 3 extra damage mods don't run it. Throw it away. It's quite simple don't run bricked waystones. |
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ok lets get real with this
@Avaricta#4758 " HOW should i "adjust the difficulty or improve my character"? i play SSF, level 89 Monk icestrike, the most meta build in the game As i am level 89 i basically can only gain EXP from Tier15+ maps everything else is just a time waste so going down in map tiers is not an option Even if i only play Tier 15 blue maps with most basic affixes and no modifiers i still do get oneshotted on a regular basis i am allready playing the "lowest difficulty" for me available So i can not "adjust the difficulty". Okay, next part: "improve my character" As i said, i play SSF. Here are my character stats: lvl 89 Monk 1800 Life, 4600 EnergyShield (with grim feast), 62% Armor (Protect me from Harm), 70% Evasion (No acrobatics), 16% Block, 75% capped ele resistance, 40% Chaos Resistance, ~100% magicfind/rarity In 250 Hours of SSF playtime this is the maximum in gear i came up with For the last like 50-100 hours i barely got any upgrade in gear As you can see i have basically layered EVERY DEFENSE MECHANIC the game offers me and i still get oneshotted And this is the exact same i am seeing everywhere else: you either stack max energy shield, like 15.000-20.000 Energy shield plus CI OR you die, on repeat. I can not drop the magicfind/rarity for better stats because then i wont find enough currency which i need for crafting, even tho crafting is abysmally bad in this game So what should i do for "improving my character"? Grind for another 50-100 hours just to maybe get one singular upgrade in gear? While literally progressing NOTHING else? Because even with such stacked defenses i still get randomly oneshotted from stupid sht And the most annoying part: the game has no death recap SO i dont even know WHAT killed me... SO how should i "improve my character"? - I can not "lower the difficulty" as it would earn zero EXP and bad droprates - My entire passive tree is allready heavily tailored for defenses - my gear is allready heavily tailored for defenses (heck i even play with that stupid block quarterstaff AND Protect me from harm...) - I dont gain any EXP, as i loose to much when i die, which i do because the game oneshots me out of the blue - As i am SSF getting just a singular good gear piece upgrade takes me like hundreds of hours in farming currency and pulling the slot machine in "crafting" My solution to this: stop playing the game until they fixed their endgame and their horribly bad crafting. If you have any other advice let me know. Last edited by Krematorial#3777 on Jan 22, 2025, 10:25:22 AM
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" Honestly, your defenses are kind of crap if you ask me. I'd try to drop as much Armour and Evasion for Energy shield as possible, since Energy shield is just much better. Evasion especially if you don't run Acrobatics. I have about the same amount of HP as you do, but 0 armor, 0 evasion and 12K energy shield with Grim Feast. I only get oneshot when I do something stupid. You also really shouldn't worry about exp, since you should already have your most important passives anyway. Last edited by Sivolde#4373 on Jan 22, 2025, 10:16:44 AM
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" when the only way is to stack like 12.000-20.000 energy shield to reliably avoid oneshots: Sorry, but than this is what i call BAD BALANCE And i rather drop the game and play something else until they balanced and fixed their game. |
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" That is one of the mistakes newer players make. Why do you keep focusing on leveling? PoE, especially in SSF, has priorities. If you keep dying the priority is prevent death. Everything else comes later. So in your case, screw XP, lower difficulty through one of the 4 ways described in the initial post and once your character is stronger you can increase the difficulty and set the new priority to leveling. What good does earning more XP per monster if you just die anyway because you attempt content too hard for the current state of your character? Sometimes you be stuck farming at a lower difficulty. In SSF especially this may take a long time. " That is simply wrong. If you die on a regular basis on t15 you are playing way above a difficulty fitting for your character. It is also better to lower the tier by 1-2 levels if you are able to run them rare instead. So I would suggest try rare t10 or t11. You are currently your own worst enemy by bashing your head into a difficulty your character is not yet fit to do. " Part of a game like PoE is farming for upgrades. Trade lowers the time this takes extremely. In SSF you may have to invest many many hours for upgrades. The better your gear the longer it will take. In your case you basically have 4100 EHP (without grim feast, won't be up 100%). Armor is currently very ineffective and won't help you much. Even if it would work like in PoE 1, it gets weaker the larger the hit you take. So against small hits it is more effective then against large slams. Here you could try to switch armor items for ES items and try stacking ES for more EHP. Because mitigation may be hard to get. Block and Evasion are good avoidance and work well with Grim Feast, but also for smaller hits and longer fights. Not really for large hits. Elemental resistances are ok. I would suggest capping chaos resistance. Some of the hard hitting abilities that can be survived are chaos. Like the purple balls that follow you and the purple plants some archers spawn. Regarding magic find. I am so annoyed about the misinformation about MF that was spread. And everybody just believes it blindly. But your choice. You can decide if you want an item that helps you survive or want to drop more rares that you cannot pick up because you died. Something else. Many large hits are physical damage. If you find something that has "Physical damage taken as" this may help. Cloak of Flame for example has "40% physical damage taken as fire". With 75% fire resistance this is already 30% real physical damage reduction. Some classes have easier access to things like that, other don't. Which Infernalist with 20% physical taken as chaos and 20% damage taken by hound instead of you has already very good baseline defense. Edit: " You are free to do what you want. Regarding balance, the game is still in early access and did not have a big balance patch yet. This will come in the future. But for the current situation there are some solutions. You can take them or not. Last edited by Avaricta#4758 on Jan 22, 2025, 10:36:38 AM
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i appreciate you took the time and gave me some advice
but basically it again boils down to "switch to energyshield + CI" again: if thats the only way to survive the game, than this is bad balance. " Yeah... and i choose not to grind another 250 hours just to come up with suitable ES gear. Again: i am SSF and can't just pay2win another set of Energyshield gear like trade can. It will take me hundreds of hours in grind and slot machine pulling "crafting" to make the switch. I am playing Grim Dawn and D4 instead and have an absolute blast with those games as oneshots are no where near as crazy stupid as in PoE2. I will come back when they fixed endgame and balance. Last edited by Krematorial#3777 on Jan 22, 2025, 10:50:44 AM
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On another note about the topic:
You know games like Grim Dawn or even Elden Ring are not difficult because everything oneshots you. In Grim Dawn you have a timeframe to react, you can pop a defensive CD or a heal potion or dodge roll away. In Elden Ring there are actually very few abilities which instantly oneshot and kill you. You, in most cases, have time to react or recover from mistakes. I would not have a problem with a more difficult game. Like you need to sweat hard but here in PoE2 it is: you mindlessly zone out as everything explodes and then every 15-30 minutes: BAMM ur dead. And you dont even know why or how as the game for whatever reason has no death recap. So yeah: In my opinion balancing the entire difficulty arround one shot mechanics is just very bad and frustrating game design |
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" Elden Ring is completely different type of game. That is like comparing a mushroom to a car. In general balance between games will differ. But if you have a balanced character and don't stack too many difficult increases on top, then there are currently not that many one shots left in the game that you cannot dodge/avoid. |
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Pointless thread of you're not playing HC
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