What do standard players think of POE1?
I used to play both because I liked the temp leagues and the permanent leagues. Over time I got better at the game and was able to do in temp leagues what I otherwise could only accomplish with more time in Standard.
I no longer play Standard, but my reason is probably not what you might expect. As a consistent temp league player for over a decade, my Standard stash has progressively become more unmanageable. The way it dumps tabs in Standard made the Standard stash insane. One league I tried to put all the tabs into a folder only to find it removed the folder and just dumbed all the tabs all over the place in Standard again. Now when I try to open my stash in standard, you can almost feel the servers causing a rip in space and time. 5-10 seconds to open. And 50/50 chance it crashes the client. Moving tabs around also runs a high risk of crashing. POE isn't a game where you can just not use your stash often. So now Standard has become my museum of fun things with 2 eternal orbs probably being the most prized possessions. If that were ever resolved, I would go back to playing both but I think that ship has sailed. Thanks for all the fish!
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got this from crucible so i decided its finally time to try it out. slayer, 10 frenzy/endurance charge. 100% spell suppress, 20k armour, 50k evasion, 2300 omni, mageblood and some legacy stuff. i can probably do slightly better minmaxing, but its not worth the effort - char feels underwhelming and even dps isnt that great... |
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I came back to PoE and was able to grab one of my characters and play.
It's really that simple. I don't like shooting level 1 spells at Hillock. So I don't play league. |
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" You are not standard players. You are hoarders. There is a big difference, between playing standard, and accumulating pile of garbage drop from seasonal leagues for god knows what reason... The real standard players, are the 1% of the player base, that actually stay and play standard. Playing on seasonal leagues, and piling up 40 stashes of questionable garbage is not considered "playing". |
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" Do not worry man, no one actually is playing standard. There are few thousand total players, and I think the majority of them are the Chinese RMT bots. It is unlikely to even meet such player on the forum. |
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" Good point. Allow me to answer your question. No. You are not. |
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" And people will just tell you all of those stats are too low, lol. "You have 20k EPH and died, what did you expect?!? You're so squishy!! Your gear is so bad, each slot should be worth 12 mirrors minimum. Get good. Skill issue." |
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" if youre talking about standard purist. i agree we are not standard purists. but on the flipside. i would argue that standard players who jump into temp leagues to enrich themselves on standard are MORE DEDICATED than standard purists. we forgo the luxury of utilizing all our accumulated wealth, high level/maxed characters/ powerful gear. relevel a new character, reaccumulate wealth so that we can "bring home" our spoils. for sure we have a ton of junk along the way. thats just a circumstance of our "travels". think of it as working abroad. the echoforge i posted earlier is something you CANNOT find on standard. its one of a kind. are there better? perhaps. those might cost mirrors. i even have some very unique scourged items from my time during scourge league (forgot if thats even the name lol) you can of course WAIT for people to end the league and buy similar items. but thats really relying on luck. i go into temp leagues to get more specific drops that help my build. like TWWT. i have a ton of them stashed. are they junk. most of them yes but some of them are really powerful. and all that power i got from many different leagues are all accumulated on my standard characters. its a shame that my charms/tinctures/transcedent relics got poofed. but all that only makes my standard character stronger. on a flipside. why are you being so anal about it? you can say that we are "not standard purists" i ll accept that. but saying we dont play standard? why are you gatekeeping? why is it such a big deal to you? [Removed by Support]
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" lol you can be a married man, cheat, sleep with 1001 women or men or watever and you'll still be a married man. until the day you or your partner is done with the marriage only after divorcing are you considered not married. you can say the person is not a PURE married man. which is what i would acknowledge. i am NOT a standard purist. but no fucking way other people can say "you're not a standard player". but i would admit, after poe2 released my interest in poe1 diminished to the point i dont feel like touching poe1 entirely. but now that you mention it. theres one new conversation topic we can talk about. are Temp league players really POE enjoyers? if poe were a woman. temp leagues are like her dressing up in a new outfit. shes looks fresh and hot so they hit her hard and long for a few weeks/months. then when they're bored with that, instead of continuing to love her, they leave her for other women and wait for her to get a new outfit. [Removed by Support] Last edited by exsea#1724 on Jan 24, 2025, 11:08:57 PM
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" Just out of curiosity, do you believe the things you write on here? Or do you just say incorrect things hoping to get a rise out of people? Thanks for all the fish!
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