crazy that it took botters only a month of manipulating the market to fully ruin trading. now pure greed of players doing the rest. new players or people who have very spare time are now much more likely going to rmt cause it is impossible to grind enough currency for good gear. ggg could pull the break, but as we learned in poe 1 they just don't care. well played. playing ssf is the only way to avoid this junk and have a good time tbh.
if you can find the gear to have a good time in ssf then why would you need to use rmt to get gear to have a good time in a trade environment?
maybe new players and players with limited time neither deserve nor need whatever you are classing as 'good gear'?
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Posted bySnorkle_uk#0761on Jan 25, 2025, 9:21:08 AM
Everything cost tens and hundreads of divines. Looks like this game is made only for ppl who rmt. So rmt or gtfo is ggg message.
Why cant devs just up the drop rate of the few good uniques to lower the price? I am not gonna spend hundreads of euro to equip my character.
I played 525 hours and I only found like 30 divines its so pathetic. Every yellow item is trash.
Game is getting really bad taste and prices of everything are rising to the moon.
Really bad design from devs who have so much experience in rpg.
Not to mention 98% of uniques are still grabage they didnt fix anything.
When we get ingame AH this web trade is horrible with so many flippers who destroy economy even more.
No Auction House in PoE 2? That’s Not Just Lazy, It's A Real Putz Move..
Here’s a list of games with auction houses that prove Path of Exile 2 has no excuse:
EverQuest (1999)
Ragnarok Online (2002)
Final Fantasy XI (2002)
EVE Online (2003)
World of Warcraft (2004)
Final Fantasy XIV (2010)
ArcheAge (2013)
The Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Black Desert Online (2016)
Albion Online (2017)
These games span decades and offer player-driven trading systems that are accessible and functional.
Meanwhile, Path of Exile relies on outdated trade methods that force players to use third-party tools.
How is this acceptable in 2025?
If developers could figure this out over 20 years ago, there’s no reason PoE 2 can’t have an auction house.
This isn’t about “philosophy”; it’s about refusing to modernize because they cater to the RMT's that dominate the current trade system and market.
Grinding Gear Games, take note—this is long overdue.
Why Do People Oppose Auction Houses? Follow the Money...
the people most vocally against auction houses in games like Path of Exile often have something to gain from manipulating and exploiting the current system.
The trading process allows for:
1. Price Manipulation: Without a transparent, centralized system, scammers can inflate or deflate prices through market collusion. They prey on inexperienced players who don’t know the fair value of items.
2. Exploiting Frustration: Many players don’t have time for endless trade whispers or haggling. This frustration is exploited by individuals who lowball desperate sellers and resell items for massive profit margins.
3. Gatekeeping New Players / Casuals: The complexity of manual trading acts as a barrier, keeping less experienced players from participating in the economy. This ensures that veterans or "market sharks" maintain their dominance.
4. Third-Party Tools and RMT (Real Money Trading): Some of these individuals rely on third-party tools or even real-money trading. A proper auction house would cut into their shady operations by making trading transparent and accessible to everyone.
An auction house can mitigate these opportunities for exploitation.
Transparent pricing and convenient access level the playing field, benefiting the majority while eliminating the advantages scammers and cheats currently enjoy.
Anyone fighting against that probably has something to lose on the black market.
100% agree.
I remember in Team Fortress 2 before Valve added trade market to steam you could literally just go to random 32 players server and trade worthless weapons for hats. One of my friends was making ~$1k a week from RMT basically scamming 12 year olds who don't know the prices and selling hats later on forums.
Posted bynjgjhbot#6540on Jan 25, 2025, 9:51:44 AM
100% agree.
I remember in Team Fortress 2 before Valve added trade market to steam you could literally just go to random 32 players server and trade worthless weapons for hats. One of my friends was making ~$1k a week from RMT basically scamming 12 year olds who don't know the prices and selling hats later on forums.
I remember when they first came out with the hats in tf2, it was a total shitshow 🤣 my very first unusual hat was a handyman handle with green flames for the Pyro, it's vintage now and I haven't played tf2 in at least a decade, but probably alot longer
Posted byTSDfabrication#7766on Jan 25, 2025, 10:30:19 AM
I am not even playing a meta build so it has nothing to do with that, I don't need any uniques only rare items. Rare items are expensive. Economy is just trash so I switched to SSF league instead. Divine to Exalt ratio is terrible, and no one sells decent items for exalts.
Posted byswo0plt#5433on Jan 25, 2025, 10:34:21 AM
we can talk about belton since he streams, everyone can see what hes doing. the guy can trade his way from almost nothing into literally 1000+ divines in a couple of days when hes crafting. 0 of them are coming from playing the game.
And here is where I don't believe a single thing you said.
To get to mirror items that can generate that kind of passive income you need upwards of thousands of divines for whittlings etc.
I have spent 600 hours now farming, crafting, flipping. I'm sitting at around 300d so far. And that's using strategies with Omens, Greater Essences, knowing which mods to look for, etc.
You know what happens 99,9999% of the time? Whatever expensive item I use to craft something, only garbage comes out of it. I could greater essence 100 perfect bases and all 100 will become instantly garbage, but the very latest they become garbage after I slam them.
The most valuable item I've sold so far was a bow for 50d. When one item is 1/6th of everything you've made so far, the system is broken.
People like belton have to have other methods that they "throw in". I don't care if they have their stream up 150% of the time or whatever. Their streams are their income. If they didn't perform like crazy, nobody would be watching them. I simply have to assume that they're part of groups who support each other with currencies to make great mirror items, from which they all collectively profit. The more the season goes on, the more their collective efforts snowball. Then it becomes crazy easy for them to just price fix the market however they see fit.
The rest of the folks are RMTing, buying at these inflated prices.
And thanks to active live search, people using weighted searches for items that people undersell have a pretty easy job of straight up scamming noobs.
Last edited by staytuned2k#6008 on Jan 25, 2025, 12:23:26 PM
Posted bystaytuned2k#6008on Jan 25, 2025, 12:19:51 PM
we can talk about belton since he streams, everyone can see what hes doing. the guy can trade his way from almost nothing into literally 1000+ divines in a couple of days when hes crafting. 0 of them are coming from playing the game.
And here is where I don't believe a single thing you said.
To get to mirror items that can generate that kind of passive income you need upwards of thousands of divines for whittlings etc.
I have spent 600 hours now farming, crafting, flipping. I'm sitting at around 300d so far. And that's using strategies with Omens, Greater Essences, knowing which mods to look for, etc.
You know what happens 99,9999% of the time? Whatever expensive item I use to craft something, only garbage comes out of it. I could greater essence 100 perfect bases and all 100 will become instantly garbage, but the very latest they become garbage after I slam them.
The most valuable item I've sold so far was a bow for 50d. When one item is 1/6th of everything you've made so far, the system is broken.
People like belton have to have other methods that they "throw in". I don't care if they have their stream up 150% of the time or whatever. Their streams are their income. If they didn't perform like crazy, nobody would be watching them. I simply have to assume that they're part of groups who support each other with currencies to make great mirror items, from which they all collectively profit. The more the season goes on, the more their collective efforts snowball. Then it becomes crazy easy for them to just price fix the market however they see fit.
The rest of the folks are RMTing, buying at these inflated prices.
And thanks to active live search, people using weighted searches for items that people undersell have a pretty easy job of straight up scamming noobs.
300 divines is a lot of divines, so youve made a lot of currency. much more than most people so youve done well, youre winning the trade game.
but because you cant make more than that no one can and they must be cheating, apart from the people you acknowledge are making more than that but discount because they have friends?
being in guilds that work together is a legitimate part of economic strategies.
The most valuable item I've sold so far was a bow for 50d. When one item is 1/6th of everything you've made so far, the system is broken.
or your system for making currency isnt the best possible system? that could also be the case right?
seems like youre a good trader and youve made good currency to me.
are you a big trader from poe1? are you coming into this thing as someone whos made 1000s of divines and many mirrors in poe1? cause theres people in this poe2 economy with 10-30k hours sunk into poe1 over 10 years and are used to making 1000, 2000, 5000+ divines per league. how many of them have worked out how to replicate that? what the new best strats are?
i bet a lot of them have not worked out how to repeat it yet, but some have.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Posted bySnorkle_uk#0761on Jan 25, 2025, 1:25:58 PM
Increasing the drop chance of uniques would only temporarily drop the prices. The real issue is there's no divine sink so none are being pulled out of the economy. As there are more and more divines, prices will continue to rise.
What explains the divine/exalted inflation. There are major exalted sinks in the game, but their relative value continues to go down.
Posted byAyman250#5873on Jan 25, 2025, 1:40:34 PM
we can talk about belton since he streams, everyone can see what hes doing. the guy can trade his way from almost nothing into literally 1000+ divines in a couple of days when hes crafting. 0 of them are coming from playing the game.
And here is where I don't believe a single thing you said.
To get to mirror items that can generate that kind of passive income you need upwards of thousands of divines for whittlings etc.
I have spent 600 hours now farming, crafting, flipping. I'm sitting at around 300d so far. And that's using strategies with Omens, Greater Essences, knowing which mods to look for, etc.
You know what happens 99,9999% of the time? Whatever expensive item I use to craft something, only garbage comes out of it. I could greater essence 100 perfect bases and all 100 will become instantly garbage, but the very latest they become garbage after I slam them.
The most valuable item I've sold so far was a bow for 50d. When one item is 1/6th of everything you've made so far, the system is broken.
People like belton have to have other methods that they "throw in". I don't care if they have their stream up 150% of the time or whatever. Their streams are their income. If they didn't perform like crazy, nobody would be watching them. I simply have to assume that they're part of groups who support each other with currencies to make great mirror items, from which they all collectively profit. The more the season goes on, the more their collective efforts snowball. Then it becomes crazy easy for them to just price fix the market however they see fit.
The rest of the folks are RMTing, buying at these inflated prices.
And thanks to active live search, people using weighted searches for items that people undersell have a pretty easy job of straight up scamming noobs.
300 divines is a lot of divines, so youve made a lot of currency. much more than most people so youve done well, youre winning the trade game.
but because you cant make more than that no one can and they must be cheating, apart from the people you acknowledge are making more than that but discount because they have friends?
being in guilds that work together is a legitimate part of economic strategies.
The most valuable item I've sold so far was a bow for 50d. When one item is 1/6th of everything you've made so far, the system is broken.
or your system for making currency isnt the best possible system? that could also be the case right?
seems like youre a good trader and youve made good currency to me.
are you a big trader from poe1? are you coming into this thing as someone whos made 1000s of divines and many mirrors in poe1? cause theres people in this poe2 economy with 10-30k hours sunk into poe1 over 10 years and are used to making 1000, 2000, 5000+ divines per league. how many of them have worked out how to replicate that? what the new best strats are?
i bet a lot of them have not worked out how to repeat it yet, but some have.
300d is a lot? In what world? That's not even a single upgrade to my gear anymore. I still use the same bow I got in week 2 or 3 that I bought for 30ex. The next noticable upgrade would be a dualstring for more than 200d. My 300d is now in my gear, not liquid. And just one little purchase and I'd be broke again. Is 500+ hours of "playing" (read: spending time on the trading website) only worth a single good item?
To hell with all that. The system clearly has a major issue. In my opinion, trading is dead currently except for the very best items, which go for near mirror prices. Shit to mid tier items have been inflated to values no average player can afford, so you sit on rares nobody wants to buy anymore. Either you had the skill or luck to now sit on thousands of divines to continue the progression of the game, or you're SOL and the season is over for you.
Last edited by staytuned2k#6008 on Jan 25, 2025, 6:05:36 PM
Posted bystaytuned2k#6008on Jan 25, 2025, 6:02:33 PM
Yes. it is true that the economy on the first iteration of the early access-beta testing of Poe2 is hyper inflated right now.
However this shouldn't stop you from doing alot of testing so you can report as many bugs and game mechanics suggestions during this extremely volatile earliest testing phase of the beta-demo of the game.
Im glad to inform, we will get an economy reset when they finish working on the new content and updates that generally require an economy reset so they can further test the early access beta-demo version of the game.
The real question is... How many bug reports thread have you made so far? if its les than 20 then you aren't doing your part.
Posted byBuDiu#0138on Jan 25, 2025, 6:08:49 PM
Yes. it is true that the economy on the first iteration of the early access-beta testing of Poe2 is hyper inflated right now.
However this shouldn't stop you from doing alot of testing so you can report as many bugs and game mechanics suggestions during this extremely volatile earliest testing phase of the beta-demo of the game.
Im glad to inform, we will get an economy reset when they finish working on the new content and updates that generally require an economy reset so they can further test the early access beta-demo version of the game.
The real question is... How many bug reports thread have you made so far? if its les than 20 then you aren't doing your part.
Not sure if directed at me, but I specifically made a YT channel to document all bugs I encounter and post videos unless there's an existing thread already. I'm doing my part, and complaining about the trading aspect of the game is a part of that as well. Not all problems are just bugs in the game itself. Some... Bugs... are the community and tools we're using.
Posted bystaytuned2k#6008on Jan 25, 2025, 6:15:14 PM