One Death Maps is a monumental failure.

Just don't die.
The omens are also 60 ex each and the only one I found in 230 hours was for charms. Someone told me if I'm not using omens I'm doing it wrong. Yeah ok.

5% death penalty and not resetting the map on death would probably be a sweet spot. Don't respawn all the monsters, leave the 6 portals how they are, 5% exp penalty, and omens reduce that by 50%. Simple.
One death + Exp lose + Map gone + No in-game death log feels a little extreme LOL
I die maybe once every 50 maps and its usually some dumb overtuned nonsense or some trash environmental design and I'm over the map loss. I don't care about the XP. But the whole endgame is all about setting up huge maps with towers and mechanics and then after hours of setting up the map nodes and finally rolling a decent t16 map, you die to some mob with a screenwide autoaim laser. I lost a Copper Citadel last night because a rare mob spawned like 10 inches from the starting portal and when I killed it, it spawned like 10 on death effects and because it's the Dreadnaught, there's no where to escape because it's all thin walk ways - my only escape would have been to log out but that's not good gameplay to me.

The endgame is terrible and they need to push out 3.26 so we can play the actual enjoyable version of PoE while they finish designing this hot mess. Having PoE 2 affect PoE 1 was a horrible business decision.
Last edited by KeiranPOE#4565 on Jan 23, 2025, 9:57:25 PM
But the whole endgame is all about setting up huge maps with towers and mechanics and then after hours of setting up the map nodes and finally rolling a decent t16 map, you die to some mob with a screenwide autoaim laser.

Hear, hear.
As others have said; You can logout and login to essentially have unlimited deaths in maps as long as you do so before you actually die. The devs don't care.
However, they do care about reluctantly not changing the one death map system.
Why? This is so [Removed by Support]. They're okay with people having infinite tries if they abuse the login feature, which players are only doing because they don't like one death maps and this still lets them do their zoom-zoom boom-boom one button mechanic invalidating builds - but the whole reason this is happening, is supposedly because the devs DON'T want you to have multiple tries.

My head hurts. Make it make sense. Get rid of the one death maps.
Last edited by JC_GGG#0000 on Jan 24, 2025, 6:01:41 AM
Don't be a pepega and you won't die.
Using a single brain cell means the only thing you ever die to is massive lagspikes.
This post reminds me of that journo who said that Spongebob Bikini Bottom is "unforgivingly brutal":
Last edited by Fae_Lyth#6750 on Jan 23, 2025, 10:40:46 PM
I'm sorry but it just is.

It might fight the "vision" of whatever some dev of yours has, but it sucks.

90% of the playerbase has it, and no excuse about "death needs to feel weighty" will wash with me, sorry.

I've played games for 30 years. There are literally, 1 million things you could do other than this grossly and obnoxiously overly punishing mechanic - one that is only compounding on top of the brutal and archaic, completely brutal XP loss.

The XP loss is fine. The map being lost is not. Nothing about this is good.

Not to mention: this is early access - you're supposed to be taking our feedback in. The feedback is here. One death maps suck. And for what? This is a "Temporary, thrown together solution" for an endgame because you didn't have enough time to get something robust together to facilitate the endgame experience. Again, that's fine.

But guess what; the hastily thrown together endgame experience, with mobs that are extremely overtuned and way faster than they have any right to be, where white mobs 1 hit you (this should never happen unless you're rocking the worst, most intentionally bad niche build) and things like the volatile orbs (remove these immediately, or slow down the time it takes *plants* to *grow* and release their *damaging fruit* (seriously, plants don't grow this fast, they should not grow this fast, all the purple chaos plant-type things should not have instant cast and fast animations if they also have monumentally meteoric damage. It's one or the other. Sorry, that's literally basic game design 101 for anything outside of a super-hardcore mode.

For reference, I just tried to play a map with my friend. He puts a Tier XV waystone in. Goes to get a glass of water. I enter the map. I take 1 step (literally) and get immediately swarmed by mobs and stunlocked to death. Great. Used to it by now (this balance is honestly atrocious, it is what it is. Fix it please.) Okay great I don't get to play a map with my buddy, but guess what? NEITHER DOES HE. Because all 5 other portals closed, despite us being in a party, and he can't even use any of "his" other 5 portals. Tough luck buddy. Enjoying your One Death Maps yet? You tired of winning, pal?

This sucks. If this is our "Hastily thrown together Early Access endgame" - AND this is Early Access, listen to our Early Access feedback please.
Right now, it feels from the majority of the players that I've talked to, like we're being forced to pay to beta test a game and our feedback might as well not be given, since it's not going to be listened to.

GET RID OF THE ONE DEATH MAPS IN THE NEXT PATCH. That's not hard to do. A couple of lines of code.

They. Just. Do. Not. Work. In. The. Games. Current. Ecosystem. Of. Design.


If you want One Death Maps to be a design decision that has weight and merit and doesn't frustrate your playerbase into permanently quitting before they even get a chance to play the first league - just bring the One Death Maps back later when you've got the rest of the game designed in a way that facilitates it and makes it feel not as overtly punishing and obnoxiously time wasting.

Seriously. We will forgive you for this. It's once again, Early Access, and needs to be changed.

If you can't change it, throw us a bone. Because this SUCKS.

Strongly agree with this post.
let us try the same map as long as we have portals.
even leave the XP loss at death.
Fae_Lyth#6750 wrote:
Don't be a pepega and you won't die.
Using a single brain cell means the only thing you ever die to is massive lagspikes.
This post reminds me of that journo who said that Spongebob Bikini Bottom is "unforgivingly brutal":

Lol. Who do you think you're kidding?

Volatile plants exists. Getting surrounded by white mobs and not being able to dodge roll out exists. Getting pushed into a corner by mobs and same result exists. Getting hit by crits exists. Getting frozen and then killed while frozen exists. Coalesced corruption can spawn on you and destroy you, that exists. Zarokh has a 1-shot mechanic that is RNG-based as to whether you have enough movement speed to collect them where they spawn. Breaches can annihilate you in this game. Expeditions can easily spawn monsters that are ridiculously overtuned. Many bosses in the game have combos and telegraphs that feel majorly unfair for the "fat" dodge roll we have in this game that actively hampers your movement speed in between rolls and is best sparingly used, if that.

I could go on. All these things exist.

And you're talking down to people comparing them to a game journo who complained about Spongebob: Bikini Bottom.
Insulting and rude. Totally uncalled for. Not to mention fundamentally incorrect.
Fae_Lyth#6750 wrote:
Don't be a pepega and you won't die.
Using a single brain cell means the only thing you ever die to is massive lagspikes.
This post reminds me of that journo who said that Spongebob Bikini Bottom is "unforgivingly brutal":

Lol. Who do you think you're kidding?

Volatile plants exists. Getting surrounded by white mobs and not being able to dodge roll out exists. Getting pushed into a corner by mobs and same result exists. Getting hit by crits exists. Getting frozen and then killed while frozen exists. Coalesced corruption can spawn on you and destroy you, that exists. Zarokh has a 1-shot mechanic that is RNG-based as to whether you have enough movement speed to collect them where they spawn. Breaches can annihilate you in this game. Expeditions can easily spawn monsters that are ridiculously overtuned. Many bosses in the game have combos and telegraphs that feel majorly unfair for the "fat" dodge roll we have in this game that actively hampers your movement speed in between rolls and is best sparingly used, if that.

I could go on. All these things exist.

And you're talking down to people comparing them to a game journo who complained about Spongebob: Bikini Bottom.
Insulting and rude. Totally uncalled for. Not to mention fundamentally incorrect.

All of those can be prevented.

Don't be a pepega and you won't die.

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