Is anyone getting a response from support? got hacked, unauthorized 4x EA supporter packs

ign: DreamsofIllusions
ign: DreamsofIllusions
Experiencing the same issue as you except I had PayPal initiate the refund since I needed the money so I have been locked out of my account since. Four early access keys bought through PayPal on my account on December 18th at 3:50 AM. Received a response from GGG in 3 minutes after my initial email with them asking for my account name + characters, responded to that, and now nothing since then. Something like 48 days without a response now from support. Simply unacceptable.
Experiencing the same issue as you except I had PayPal initiate the refund since I needed the money so I have been locked out of my account since. Four early access keys bought through PayPal on my account on December 18th at 3:50 AM. Received a response from GGG in 3 minutes after my initial email with them asking for my account name + characters, responded to that, and now nothing since then. Something like 48 days without a response now from support. Simply unacceptable.

If I could go back I would have done the same thing. I had to take a sms loan to pay back my friend who loaned me money for rent as this happen right at christmas at december 22..
ign: DreamsofIllusions
ign: DreamsofIllusions
GGG, you should really address the community about this issue. Taking a quick look at the forums, this has happened to quite a few people including myself. Everyone had 4x early access keys purchased through PayPal. This isn't a coincidence and may have been part of the data breach. Personally it has been over a month and a half without so much as even an acknowledgement that this happened and is being looked into.
b u m p
ign: DreamsofIllusions
polo2005#7129 wrote:
b u m p

I just made a post on r/PathOfExile2 and included your forum post in it. Trying to shed as much light onto this issue as I can because this is unacceptable at this point.
polo2005#7129 wrote:
b u m p

I just made a post on r/PathOfExile2 and included your forum post in it. Trying to shed as much light onto this issue as I can because this is unacceptable at this point.

Hopefully some streamer/youtuber picks it up, cause this is totally unacceptable.
ign: DreamsofIllusions

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