SF (no solo) > SSF

exsea#1724 wrote:
back when it was a hot topic on the forums, the counterarguments of SSF deniers as myself were it adds totally ZERO value to the game because it literally just disables trading. and thats all you get.

Hah. Interesting.
I think I'd be weirded out if I saw what you've seen, and I don't know if I'd cut it as people being retarded or not able to express themselves correctly, or put out proper arguments... Maybe this is me trying to rationilize weird people. But hey, as you said... if people want to do it as a badge, go for it, right?

That said, your image feels quite relevant to my point. The guy playing SSF is alone, while the other ones arent. He didn't have to be alone; they could be 2 different set of groups playing as a party, you see?

And about your suggestion for a drop increase for SSF (even if just currency so we can fiddle with equipments a bit more). I'd definetly vote for that. But i'd say this is a discussion in itself. Let me know if/when you create a post for that so i can go there and show my support.
Balagann#7553 wrote:
exsea#1724 wrote:
back when it was a hot topic on the forums, the counterarguments of SSF deniers as myself were it adds totally ZERO value to the game because it literally just disables trading. and thats all you get.

Hah. Interesting.
I think I'd be weirded out if I saw what you've seen, and I don't know if I'd cut it as people being retarded or not able to express themselves correctly, or put out proper arguments... Maybe this is me trying to rationilize weird people. But hey, as you said... if people want to do it as a badge, go for it, right?

That said, your image feels quite relevant to my point. The guy playing SSF is alone, while the other ones arent. He didn't have to be alone; they could be 2 different set of groups playing as a party, you see?

And about your suggestion for a drop increase for SSF (even if just currency so we can fiddle with equipments a bit more). I'd definetly vote for that. But i'd say this is a discussion in itself. Let me know if/when you create a post for that so i can go there and show my support.

here you go lol


but my post is not asking for SSF to have better droprates.

instead i m asking for the game to be more generous from the get go. if the game was generous with drops i wouldnt feel forced to trade to begin with.

if you like reading about different kinds of SSF implementation, you could look up how Last Epoch solved SSF vs Trade online.
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exsea#1724 wrote:

the reality:

exsea#1724 wrote:
here you go lol


but my post is not asking for SSF to have better droprates.

instead i m asking for the game to be more generous from the get go. if the game was generous with drops i wouldnt feel forced to trade to begin with.

if you like reading about different kinds of SSF implementation, you could look up how Last Epoch solved SSF vs Trade online.

Appreciate the link and the LE's SSF mention

Now, about the game's overall generosity, I think it is worth mention that the only way to neutralize bots/trading is either deactivating trading completely (SF) or making it the sort of "test realm" where you literally have no scarcity (you can get any ammout of any resource whenever you want). Anything in between enables trading (supply and demand. people not-having-and-willing-to-buy and people who-have-and-are-willing-to-sell). This is like a law of phisics; a part of life/existance. I rather play SSF because I already deal with this shit all day, every day, and it is no fun. As I said it, if i was willing to spend time and energy into it, I might aswell do it to make REAL money. So when I play games, I rather not deal with it at all.

But that does not mean I HAVE to play SF ALONE, you see? We can remain "tradeless" but play as a party. This is what I'm asking.
Last edited by Balagann#7553 on Jan 15, 2025, 1:35:42 AM
AintCare#6513 wrote:
exsea#1724 wrote:

the reality:

broken link bro

(unless that was intentional)
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exsea#1724 wrote:
AintCare#6513 wrote:
exsea#1724 wrote:

the reality:

broken link bro

(unless that was intentional)

really? i see it just fine on my end. can't access imgBB from your location?
Balagann#7553 wrote:

Appreciate the link and the LE's SSF mention

Now, about the game's overall generosity, I think it is worth mention that the only way to neutralize bots/trading is either deactivating trading completely (SF) or making it the sort of "test realm" where you literally have no scarcity (you can get any ammout of any resource whenever you want). Anything in between enables trading (supply and demand. people not-having-and-willing-to-buy and people who-have-and-are-willing-to-sell). This is like a law of phisics; a part of life/existance. I rather play SSF because I already deal with this shit all day, every day, and it is no fun. As I said it, if i was willing to spend time and energy into it, I might aswell do it to make REAL money. So when I play games, I rather not deal with it at all.

But that does not mean I HAVE to play SF ALONE, you see? We can remain "tradeless" but play as a party. This is what I'm asking.

yeah understood, you want SF without the solo part, which is what LE has. in fact LE already solved SF vs Trade in a way that you could even party with trade players.

also i would point out GGG actually somewhat solved botting in settlers league.

forcing gold to be part of "trade tax" reduced the bots in the game. also the only way to get gold in that league was to play the game or else you'd run out of gold real quick.
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AintCare#6513 wrote:

really? i see it just fine on my end. can't access imgBB from your location?

I can see it too
AintCare#6513 wrote:

really? i see it just fine on my end. can't access imgBB from your location?

i guess so

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how about this one

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