Character stopped gaining experience [POE2]

[POE2] My character is stuck halfway through level 15 and is not gaining any more experience. What's going on?
Last edited by pnievsky#2154 on Jan 14, 2025, 6:27:07 AM
Last bumped on Mar 3, 2025, 1:16:34 AM
I'm experiencing the exact same issue. My friends (level 89 and level 33) are helping me level an alt through the campaign and despite my friend being similar level, he got to 33 no problem and i'm stuck at snails pace xp.

We went back to the manor to kill level 15 mobs until i hit level 16. Upon reaching 16 we went to a level 20 area in act two and i continued to gain exp. We then found out if the area is at least 10 levels up (further testing revealed up to 7 levels higher will not cause the cap mechanic to occur). I'm not sure when the cap actually happens, but 7 seems to be about the area, so we'll keep working on it. But yeah, just go back to the part of the campaign that is no more than 7 levels above your current level and it should resolve itself. (Stay near your friend who is carrying you so you can gain the appropriate amount of exp)
I am stuck in the same situation at level 87, solo in maps. I thought it was a corpsewade issue, but seems to be happening to others.

My issue is so bad I have had to re roll in the meantime.
I assume it's a temporary problem because yesterday everything went back to normal :)
Happened to me today while using corpsewade
I was gaining zero xp, took a picture of the xp bar,
kiled bunch of monsters in T15 at level 89, zero xp gain.

Edit: Just happened to me in hidden grotto map while playing with my pathfinder using Corpsewade boots.
Switched to my infernalist which was able to gain XP in the same instance.
Switched back to my pathfinder and was (again) not able to gain xp in the same instance.
Re-launching the game and returning to the instance did not help.
Restarting my pc and returning to the instance did not help.

XP now stuck at 2,055,760,259 at level 90 and does not go up in this map instance.

Last edited by TheRealDarkLink#4864 on Jan 18, 2025, 9:48:31 AM
same here bro... struck on lvl 83... tried different maps.
Happened to me today while using corpsewade
I was gaining zero xp, took a picture of the xp bar,
kiled bunch of monsters in T15 at level 89, zero xp gain.

Edit: Just happened to me in hidden grotto map while playing with my pathfinder using Corpsewade boots.

Almost same situtation here. Corpsewade pathfinder, level 89, got zero XP from fully clearing hidden grotto, next map got normal xp.

Also pretty sure got 0 xp from crypt. All maps were yellow t15.
wth is going on here? Stuck around 88% of lvl 83 in at15 steppe map solo.
earlier today was completely fine to get xp in other t15s.
did they just quick nerf corpsewade?
Issue still happening Corpsewade, lvl 88, stuck at 1.739.630.927, regardless of maps. even killed the Breach boss and got 0 XP

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