GGG, Enough is Enough – Ban These Scammers AND All Their Related Accounts!

GGG, this is unacceptable. The trading system in Path of Exile is broken, and the scammer problem has spiraled out of control. Why are high-level players, some as high as level 92, freely scamming others without a single consequence?

Take the Morior Invictus Grand Regalia scam as an example. These people are blatantly trying to cheat players by swapping in inferior items with different stats, hoping we won't notice. It’s not just one person—it’s a network of scammers exploiting this system, and they clearly don’t fear being banned. WHY aren’t these players, along with ALL their associated accounts, being permanently banned?

This kind of behavior ruins the game for everyone. We can’t trust trades anymore, and it’s beyond ridiculous that these scammers are thriving because of how lenient your enforcement is. You need to take action NOW. Ban the scammers. Ban their alt accounts. Wipe out their stashes.

And let’s be honest—this wouldn’t even be happening if we had a proper Auction House in the first place. Why are players forced into this clunky trade system that rewards deception and punishes honest players? We’re sick of it. Fix the problem or give us tools to avoid it.

We love this game, but this lack of accountability is destroying its integrity. Stop protecting scammers. Start protecting your community.

A Frustrated Exile
Last bumped on Jan 31, 2025, 4:45:45 AM
Its all Elons fault.
Chalk up another reason why an auction house is good for the game. To bad ggg refuses to do it and wants to force the most banal form of player interaction and like 4-5 ways you get scammed.

From changing the trade message,
to swapping items,
to having different links or socket colors,
to just putting in random rares and hoping no one notices,
and my personal favorite just stealing people's mirrors instead of mirroring an item.

Why not! there is no punishment, wreacleast is an awful place.
Last edited by roundishcap#0649 on Jan 13, 2025, 10:55:34 PM
Trade scamming is pretty hard to prove, this is why they arent banned. Report the person if you feel they were trading in bad faith, and if GGG gets enough reports against the same account, we can assume some action is taken.

GGG has made a trade system that is pretty good at preventing trade scams, assuming you are paying attention.

-You HAVE to mouse over an item to highlight it green to enable accept trade. GGG can't force you to actually look at the details of that item when doing so, but you SHOULD.

-If you do this, and then the accept trade option goes grey AGAIN, then then item was moved/swapped. This could be an accident by the legit trader, or a scam. Spend the 2 extra seconds it takes, and LOOK at the item again.

Problem solved.
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”

and my personal favorite just stealing people's mirrors instead of mirroring an item.

What back alley mirror services are you using? If its not a well known servicer, don't give them a mirror.

I've never understood why giving someone a mirror is the accepted standard. It makes sense for early league and 0 fee people like Sushi, but if a crafter is making 100d+ a service, I don't know why we shouldnt expect them to supply the mirror and just trade you the mirrored item for a mirror + fee.

And although that is not the standard, you can definitely tell someone that is the only way you are doing the trade if you dont know/trust them.
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
Piousqd#0073 wrote:
Trade scamming is pretty hard to prove, this is why they arent banned. Report the person if you feel they were trading in bad faith, and if GGG gets enough reports against the same account, we can assume some action is taken.

GGG has made a trade system that is pretty good at preventing trade scams, assuming you are paying attention.

-You HAVE to mouse over an item to highlight it green to enable accept trade. GGG can't force you to actually look at the details of that item when doing so, but you SHOULD.

-If you do this, and then the accept trade option goes grey AGAIN, then then item was moved/swapped. This could be an accident by the legit trader, or a scam. Spend the 2 extra seconds it takes, and LOOK at the item again.

Problem solved.

I mean if the game wasn't designed around peak efficiency sure, but people who trade a lot will not wait for you to confirm, especially scammers. And to be frank, people need trade to get their builds to work

The real solution to a lot of this is just removing player input.

Btw I liked how you ignored people changing the listing message because very few people are going to catch that because they trust the automated message.

Mirroring needs a ui that doesn't let people attempt to steal it. Or better yet remove mirrors as a drop.

Like the op said ban these people from trading and move on. They hurt the game.
The trading system is broken in more ways than you described above.

I've been scammed while selling my Mirror of Kallandra simply due to the fact that your inventory cant hold more than 1200 D. I sold it for 1530D. Obviously the transaction needs to be broken in two so the scammer loaded his inventory with 1200 divines and swapped them for a mirror. I put them into my stash and asked for the rest. And dude just went offline.

U may say that the laughs are on me since I should take 320D and give nothing back and trade mirror in a second go but... what if I was a scammer? This way way I could steal 300D x infinite times as long as it would entertain me. Both ways transaction is broken.

And that doesn't only apply to the mirror. Say U want stash yourself with more common currency. Should you really trade 10 times to buy that 10K orbs of alteration?

As someone before me said an auction house would be a great solution and don't even tell me that is too much work because currency exchange is a game feature in Settlers and moreover it is a separate thing from www listing. GGG could do it, they just don't care. And I know what I'm saying because I've contacted their support and it was a horrible experience. They always reply with the same scripted crap. Basically they said they made a note about the thieves account and when enough complains they may (not "they will" but "they may" - note the difference) shut it down. Of course I demanded action, at least returning me my missing D. They said firmly they can't and will not make any action in that matter. In fact I made an angry (respectful though) rant about my character being completely broken after 3,25 patch i think and they threatened me that they may block my email and wont answer ever again.

I dream about a lot of improvements to POE but I'm afraid that since the decision was made to make POE2 we will see a steady decline in POE improvements and tbh they were minuscule to begin with.
Last edited by Broken_Cloud#2786 on Jan 14, 2025, 10:54:14 AM
Piousqd#0073 wrote:
Trade scamming is pretty hard to prove, this is why they arent banned. Report the person if you feel they were trading in bad faith, and if GGG gets enough reports against the same account, we can assume some action is taken.

GGG has made a trade system that is pretty good at preventing trade scams, assuming you are paying attention.

-You HAVE to mouse over an item to highlight it green to enable accept trade. GGG can't force you to actually look at the details of that item when doing so, but you SHOULD.

-If you do this, and then the accept trade option goes grey AGAIN, then then item was moved/swapped. This could be an accident by the legit trader, or a scam. Spend the 2 extra seconds it takes, and LOOK at the item again.

Problem solved.

I mean if the game wasn't designed around peak efficiency sure, but people who trade a lot will not wait for you to confirm, especially scammers. And to be frank, people need trade to get their builds to work

The real solution to a lot of this is just removing player input.

Btw I liked how you ignored people changing the listing message because very few people are going to catch that because they trust the automated message.

Mirroring needs a ui that doesn't let people attempt to steal it. Or better yet remove mirrors as a drop.

Like the op said ban these people from trading and move on. They hurt the game.

I ignored changing the message because it's a non-issue, just like the rest of the complaints really. They are all solved by paying attention. Why players think they shouldnt have to pay attention while playing a game is beyond me. You are playing a game to be engaged, so be engaged.

When someone changes a message the item being messaged about is no longer linked in the message, and will not highlight in the stash. This is an immediate red flag. You can also see the price you have originally asked by hovering over your item in stash. Slow down and pay attention. I have done 1000's of trades this league and last, and literally never been scammed.
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
The trading system is broken in more ways than you described above.

I've been scammed while selling my Mirror of Kallandra simply due to the fact that your inventory cant hold more than 1200 D. I sold it for 1530D. Obviously the transaction needs to be broken in two so the scammer loaded his inventory with 1200 divines and swapped them for a mirror. I put them into my stash and asked for the rest. And dude just went offline.

U may say that the laughs are on me since I should take 320D and give nothing back and trade mirror in a second go but... what if I was a scammer? This way way I could steal 300D x infinite times as long as it would entertain me. Both ways transaction is broken.

And that doesn't only apply to the mirror. Say U want stash yourself with more common currency. Should you really trade 10 times to buy that 10K orbs of alteration?

Yes, that is 100% your fault for trusting the person. There were many solutions:

1. We do have a currency exchange...
2. As for payment in something other than straight divine (mirror shards, hinekoras lock)
3. Split the divine transaction into 2 and use something as collateral. Pre-Currency exchange this was how I bought/sold a mirror. Have the person trade you a mageblood or other high value item for some of your divine. Then trade the rest of your divine and the collateral item back for the mirror.
4. We HAVE a currency exchange now.
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
ive legit had 10 player in the last hour trying to scam me. ggg needs to start banning so they can at least collect their $30 for new accounts

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