Loot Still Trash in endgame

Still not easy, especially in SSF and this guy here struggling getting past T5 maps on trade league saying game is bad
I click on trade website and it just stuck on load that's what I mean dillweed.
Use PC or phone.
Lvl 87 TITAN & Lvl 91 pathfinder

170-200 item rarity
Doing T15/T16, juiced ,(man that framerate drop....)
Getting trash loot. Maybe exalt per 1-2 map. 1 dive per week... or less
i've try different atlas setups.
I play 4-5h/day (8-10 weeks)

AND THEN - my friend who plays on PC getting so much good currency left and right.

PLEASE GGG let us know that we really on the same page with PC players, or should i buy expensive PC (and prepare for divorce)
I've put over 400 hours


I STILL HAVE NEVER SAW A Divine orb!!! Not 1!!!

How the fuck can you farm a game for so long , and yet fail to understand the mechanic upon which it is built ?!

> got half a dozen Divines drop in 300 hours on PS5
> play with close to 200% MF on my gear at all times + atlas + waystone + tablet + breach + ... juicing

Hard much ?
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 12, 2025, 6:01:12 AM
Yea do all that... Does everyone win the lottery who plays??? No. so what make you think just cause you get drops everyone else is getting the same??? I finally after 500 hour of play had my first Devine drop yesterday. It wasn't even in the endgame it was on my witch I've been Lvling up it it was only like lvl 30. Sooo out of 6 characters all ascended and 1 on endgame 400hr to 1 Devine. Has Not a damn thing to do with me knowing how to play the game. All of you fangirls saying learn the game have issues. I understand the game just fine. Just because you are wearing stuff saying rare find or have more chest or what ever still doesn't even guarantee there's anything good in them.
This guy only doing story mode level content and has no clue what he is talking about but does not invalidate his point.
You can NOT gear up without trade. leveled 2 characters to 95 and 97 and wear exactly 1 item i actually got to drop myself.
I mean this not just endgame god roll loot I am talking about. This is hitting 30 and with some bad rng be absolutely horrible experience without a quick trip to the poetrade site.
Game does it on purpose too. 95 percent of tier 5 loot drops are melee weapons on purpose because GGG knows melee builds are garbage. Jewels roll with minion hp or resists 80 percent of the time because no one would use those stats.
They know what is garbage and make it drop on purpose. The legendary items for the most part not even useful for any build at ANY level.
Heck the wands would be barely useful at level 1 yet they require level 78 to wear.
Legendaries should be at least useful for SOMETHING not just a waste of space that you would never use in ANY situation.
Your additional characters should be geared wtih powerful legendary items and just trash the story to make it fun. Because really you should not have to do that garbage story more than once ever. Because it was straight garbage had no depth at all entire thing was the same thing over and over. Search huge maps for the 1 thing you needed from the useless zone.

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