wtf is this a joke???

buy the movespeed boon as a priority you don't need blink, and honestly if you guys think you did it perfectly but fail with 35% ms you should bug report it as there should be a mathematical distribution for the hourglasses to ensure they can be collected within the right time frame for a regular character.

I'm not saying it should always be doable with 0% ms thats silly, but at 35% i've never even come close to running out of time and if you get some nutty square with one in each corner screenshot it and bug report it so they fix it.

I probably should have but the "you have died" zooms to your char and blocks the layout

It was my first attempt so I didn't know I couldn't make it, if I see it again I won't bother trying and just screenshot it
Nyon#6673 wrote:
another reason why they need to just remove the honor part from this bullshit compleatly

Has nothing to do with the honor system, which is probably why you think its bullshit

No, the honour system is bullshit regardless of the bullshit that this boss fight is.
One-shot mechanics are a mistake in any game. And this is an ARPG, not World of Warcraft with its raid bosses lmao like what were they thinking with these boss "gotcha" mechanics. Very cool they found a way to oneshot the player in a completely unfair way, you know what that does? It makes the player quit. Especially when hours of their time just got wasted. This game does not respect the player's time at all.

Trials are sooooo bad for the longterm health of the game its insane, they've made so many people quit already and so early in the campaign too. That 3rd trial that's coming soon tm might even be worse than the current 2, which will just be funny and sad to see.

Just scrap them all and bring back lab at this point, this is embarrassing.
Last edited by Toforto#2372 on Jan 9, 2025, 7:20:44 AM
another reason why they need to just remove the honor part from this bullshit compleatly

Yup, they should remove the honor... oh wait, they died due to do their HP being 0. We should remove HP!

It's pretty obvious many of the people complaining about honor have no clue what they are talking about and anytime sekhema comes up they just immediately jump to "honor bad".
There's RNG as well for that. I had globes tucked far away into three of the corners, I couldn't even get to the second corner before I stopped completely

move speed alone is not enough to counter that, it's impossible without the stupid blink chest

I experienced a similar issue with hourglass placement. On one occasion, the hourglasses were very far apart, and with 35% movement speed boots and no movement speed boon or affliction, I was only able to collect 4 out of 6 hourglasses before the timer ran out, resulting in my death. (I did have an affliction that increased monster speed, which might—or might not—have influenced the timer.)

I'm not entirely sure if the dev team has accounted for configurations of hourglass placements that are extremely difficult or outright impossible. This mechanic resembles the planar Hamiltonian path problem, which is closely related to the traveling salesman problem. Both are computationally complex and lack efficient exact algorithms—especially when players only have a few seconds to solve them. The configurations I’ve encountered range from laughably easy to very tight, and in one case, seemingly impossible as mentioned.

Given that there are only six nodes (excluding the starting point), it should be feasible to prevent impossible configurations by pre-calculating the time required to collect all nodes based on the player’s movement speed and factoring in any slowing mechanics. A brute-force approach could evaluate all 6! = 720 possible paths to determine the time required for each. The system could then either discard configurations where the x-th percentile of times exceeds the available timer or adjust the timer based on the difficulty of the generated puzzle.

However, since players have reported cases that are extremely hard or outright impossible to complete within the given time, it seems this issue has not been fully addressed. Alternatively, if a system is already in place, it might be too restrictive—for instance, only considering the shortest path among the 720 possibilities, guaranteeing only a single solution—or the probability distribution of solution times might not be calculated correctly, leading to these extreme cases still occurring.

TL;DR: The boss mechanic might rely too heavily on pure RNG without proper mathematical checks to prevent impossible configurations.
My post was removed for giving feedback. Very cool, should keep Sek trials as is. They're perfectly fine. Just get better, don't enjoy the game or do anything fun. Only suffering, as intended. : )

Last edited by BIGMP#3106 on Jan 9, 2025, 10:25:55 AM
BIGMP#3106 wrote:
My post was removed for giving feedback. Very cool, should keep Sek trials as is. They're perfectly fine. Just get better, don't enjoy the game or do anything fun. Only suffering, as intended. : )


Sounds about right.
Imagine actual level of compitence of a designer who thought it would be a good idea to add guarateed death mechanic in a fight gated by hour+ run without hints for what to do.

this made me lol because it's true
BIGMP#3106 wrote:
My post was removed for giving feedback. Very cool, should keep Sek trials as is. They're perfectly fine. Just get better, don't enjoy the game or do anything fun. Only suffering, as intended. : )


I skipped Sanctum league in PoE1 because the entire Sanctum mechanic makes my vagina bleed. Honor sucks, I didn't sign up for roguelikes in my PoE, so on and so forth.

I have honestly come around on the Trial of the Sekhemas - and I say that as someone who groaned aloud when the Trials portion of the POE2 reveal happened and who still thinks the Failmaster and his stupid Ultimatum garbage can take a long walk off a short pier. Over a volcano.

The Trial of the Sekhemas can be planned around. You can improve your odds, and you can learn its mechanics and work around them. Relics help you manage your Honor, and figuring out how the system works can help you avoid the worst of what the game can throw at you. Unlike Ultimatum/Trial of Chaos, Trial of the Sekhemas can be learned and strategized around.

The Doom Boop from Zargothrax the Timelord is one of those mechanics that needs to be looked at again regardless. But the Trial itself can be massaged. That, to me, says that the Trial is a useful base idea. If a player can learn the system and massage it to improve their odds? Then the system can be worked with.

Here's hoping the Karui trial aims more Sekhema and less Vaal. Bleh.
frette#3669 wrote:
I'm not saying it should always be doable with 0% ms thats silly

Hard Disagree.

The fact that you NEED Movement Speed on Boots for this boss, in a game specifically marketed with slower and deliberate combat, in a game where Movement Speed on Boots is NOT a Prefix, THAT'S the SILLY part.

Bullshit like this makes ANY Boots, no matter how good they are otherwise, immediate vendor trash if they didn't roll Movement Speed.

It's the laziest of lazy designs with ZERO forethought regarding the implications. And it's not some optional Boss either. EVERY character NEEDS to do this for their Ascendancy.

Can't agree more.

Going slow my tail... everything in PoE 2 ask you to become Zoom Zoom more over than PoE 1 by a galaxy.
Slow in, slow out cuz I'm just a player.

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