[TITAN] Stampede Totem: Currently 500k + dps mapping / 800k + dps bossing - Fun and Easy to Play
" Ofcourse it will reduce it quiet a bit, but definitly viable in hc or ssf hc. You can skill bit more into Block Nodes with a Shield then. Last edited by Empulseee#3818 on Jan 21, 2025, 8:07:02 AM
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Hi, for me this has to be one of, or perhaps the best build for Warrior. And I have tried multiple other builds. The following text has become a bit of a discussion about my experiences and a review of yours and my altered version.
My original day one playthrough build was a high rage stampede, rolling slam, hammer of the gods build, that got me to tier 13's before I threw in the towl with the slow, clunky, glass armour, life stacker. 2nd, for a long while I ran a pure shockwave totem build. But I grew tired of not being able to visually see much on the screen when things got busy, my slow movement speed, and if I wanted high damage I had to temporarily become a glass cannon, switching away from a full block shield; precarious to say the least. I started dreading fighting the Arbiter, simply because there wasn't a single inch of room for mistake with the circular explosions. And I personally don't like having to switch gems/utility for mapping/bossing. 3rd I tried Kripparians Ghost Warrior. Which I was very excited about, for the extra movement speed, and utilising Energy shield in a unique way that maybe only the Warrior could handle. However, this build made me remember why I disliked my first build. Stampede... which is an absolute pain to handle. Bouncing around like a pinball, getting stuck on things, occasionally not going in the direction you intend. So I didn't see this build through to try and gain high damage. We are playing a Warrior class strength stacking TITAN! You'd think our man would be an unstoppable force, and that enemies that don't die would bounce off of us! Anyway.. Finally I found your build Empulseee, and due to my experience with Kripparians Ghost Warrior, I decided to make something between yours and his, I admittadly like my defenses. I did not choose to use Ghost Writhe however which I do not believe would be a good match with Atziri's disdain, and I kept on with a solid, workable amount of life regen + BloodMagic for the totem placement. Alas! My Warrior found a home! This build rocks, he may not have the blistering speed of most other classes out there. However due to the energy-shield based defense system, I became comfortable at most times to wield dual-two-handers (esp. grim feasted in mapping), 24%+ speed has been very doable for the Arbiter circles (30% boots, I think I can do T4's now, if I want to get the fragment soon, *I am however getting close to the end of my league session*). My build weapon switches to a super cheap one hander axe + shield, and secondary skill-tree changes for whenever I feel my energy shield might have weakened too much or been broken. As with Kripparians Ghost build, I utilise the "Adamant Recovery" node at all times, which is important in order to recover energy shield more rapidly; however I heavily armour boost with the shield out + max block, in order to further quickly, safely and reliably recover ES. I differentiated with HOTG a bit from your build, by trying to push it towards more ignite damage (with a bit of advice from an inspiring Carnarius). Something I'm sure could be done better. Stampede is a great ability for map clearance, and not having to actually be the one stampeding, means I can move around the map more freely and happily, leap-slamming and dodge-rolling without qualms. I have a couple other differencers, I use seismic cry, and I have been testing different curses in the meta-gem Blasphemy (not quite settled on one yet). My build is ofcourse very endgame now, especially as I fitted an Ingenuity in there. Without Ingenuity I am not confident I would have been able to max my chaos res. However I will definitely come back to this build one day, to see how it can be run fully from the start of the campaign. If you are interested, I can maybe figure out and post my skill-tree on some website. Thankyou Empulseee and the yt'ers I mentioned above, you all inspired me to create a very rewarding build. |
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OK, Haven't played poe2 in a long while, but I uploaded my version to share, or in part, so I personally don't lose it.
I am using a corrupted +23% quality Blasphemy gem and a +28spirit corrupted Atziri Helmet, so as to grab every little bit of spirit I can. This enabled using Enfeeble (or others, as I am not sure what was best) as an aura. It might be quite difficult to attain the strength levels required like I did without using the southern most (star) set of nodes on the passive skill tree (which I had to sometimes). To get the strength, I used an "Against the Darkness - Time lost Diamond" with +4% increased strength per Notable passive skill in radius. I was then able to use Maces that have a maximum strength requirement of 174. 174 is a nice target to go for, due to the price not being terribly high, you are looking at 1 to 7 divines per Mace for +7's (at the time a month or two ago). Maces can start getting very pricey otherwise. The 75% block chance in my weapon swap version allows for recovering from dangerous situations, due to the (Kripparian-inspired) faster start of energy shield recovery. We add to this 2 of either: "Dependable Ward", "Rapid Recharge", "Quick Response" or maybe "Convolescence" - perhaps others. To do this you can go up on the skill tree to manually grap Dependable Ward, and anoint your Amulet. Or the more expensive way is to use a "Megalomaniac Diamond" like I did (1 divine for a meh one). Maybe there is another way. I hope someone finds any of this useful. Links below (poe2db shows my second weapon set): https://poe2.ninja/pob/10fd https://poe2db.tw/pob/TUNG9Gnxg8 And for good measure, here is my build beating the Arbiter, tier 2or3: https://streamable.com/xfuu4p Last edited by pilotlight#0928 on Mar 8, 2025, 2:09:09 PM
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