Please, GGG. For the LOVE OF GOD: Fix Berserker.

.....I have dumped 28 divines... to make my build work in standard, still struggling on Tier 14 maps..... it took me years to get to what I can afford today......

Seriously, forget about the ascendancy and forget about your build. The true problem is that you seem to lack the fundamentals. Standard is the most expensive league possible so why even try it there? And if it really took you years to accumulate 28 divines something is really off. I'm not trying to make fun of you! Even when you would have said something like: "It took me a month to get that currency." I would not have said anything but the reality is that 28 divines is something you could earn in about a day or two, better players than myself only need 1-2 hours for that. And if the best you can do is T14 maps after spending 28 divines I simply do not know what to say. T14 maps can be done easily with gear worth less than 5 divines. So there has to be something wrong in general with your build. You have 4k hp and take an ascendancy that makes you take increased damage? And than it's GGGs fault because "The Ascendancy is considered the worst in the game by the community"? By what community? So please "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD" fix your attitude and learn how the game actually works. If a friend would ask me how to start I would most likely just send him three links like these:

Imo. this is a great guide for new players. And even if you have some years under your belt I guess you still could learn a lot from this guide:

After that take your time and watch an endgame starter guide like this one:

Now all that is left for you to do is watch a basic crafting guide like:

The moment you understand all the informations from these 3 very easy to understand guides is the moment you are ready for the game. And yes, it kinda is GGGs fault because the game is not doing a great job on explaining things to new players. Ohhhhh, and one last point...... ignore the reddit community or at least don't think that they represent the majority of the playerbase. Reddit is a toxic waste pool!
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
4k life on Berserker is fine, it is not a problem. my best Ultimatum Farmer ever is lvl96 Berserker Glacial Hammer of Shattering with 5k hp - but i could do absolutely fine with 4k if i did not run omegaUltimatums. these are RIPPY. and yet i got to 96 before boring out

people should for once forget about PoB and the 'max whatever' numbers it spews. best way to make a char is to skip leveling build and try to play 'as a build' from the earliest possible moment WITHOUT leveling gear that trivializes stuff

that way you quickly learn what is dangerous (ailments, DoTs, snares) and tackle these ASAP. and you learn what content is dangerous for YOU and skip/block it (Syndicate is actually quite rippy early on - skip it)

your survivability depends more on your actual playstyle than on these metrics.

and if people want to engage with BS content - T17, valdos, ubers - then I assume they are up to it and dont need lectures

4k HP Berserker with 30k Armour, 6 endu charges, some max res, 26 fortify, DoT Pantheon, life recoup and LOW LIFE (yep..) is actually f.. hard to kill. and that is before the BS items (that should have never been added into the game) - Progenesis, Defiance etc

oh, and get AT LEAST 0 chaos res, the more the better. chaos damage is THE killer later on - esp with map %effect and phys as chaos/wither rolls/altars

Standard is fine btw. you can get 'ok' gear for VERY cheap. problems start when you try to get something very niche, then yeah. but getting T1/2 life + double armour roll on T1 bases should be very easy to buy or craft. craft missing res and you have perfectly workable base to build around and improve

Last edited by sidtherat#1310 on Jan 11, 2025, 6:36:34 AM
4k life on Berserker is fine, it is not a problem.

4k life on Berserker is fine, it is not a problem if you have an overall high EHP pool.

Fixed it for you. :)

.....and that is before the BS items (that should have never been added into the game) - Progenesis, Defiance etc

I couldn't agree more. Progenesis and Defiance are so broken I have no idea how they could still exist.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Last edited by 666lol666#3140 on Jan 11, 2025, 8:31:34 AM
graveyard dig, but this is something that didnt want to let go

So ive made a Cyclone Zerker in SSF league (Necro Setlers, now migrated to Settlers) to see 'how bad it is'

What Zerker has going for him:

- Rage (2 notables)
- Crit (2 notables)

- 40% more damage (dont like this node in the slightest)
- Defy Pain (weird ramping up Armour + Leech mechanic)
- Warcry double exert count (does not apply, cyclone cannot be exerted)

I went with first two as they nicely click together (Blitz likes attack speed, Rage gives attack speed).

Crit means either swords or.. STAVES. Never played Cyclone staff, so i went with that.

Crit. Staff. Rage. Cyclone.

now - defences.

Armour is a given, Staff moves me into AR/ES area so i fully embrace this hybrid.

AR + ES makes Divine Shield a fine option. What goes well with Divine Shield and Staff? Block.

so i scoop for block there and there reaching ~50% all block

Crit. Staff. Rage. Block. AR/ES Cyclone

reminder - this is character from a dead, no-trade league, so most of the gear here is basic, self-crafted without any endgame options (flesh/flame, impossible, watchers, timeless etc are all unavailable, even Stormshroud proven to be unobtainable)


Stats (unboosted):
-4k life
-3k ES
-15k AR
-70 attack block (75 in action)
-65 spell block (69 in action)
-77%+ all res
-10% dmg reduction while cycloning
-ailment immune (purity of elements (hoped for nice watchers..)
-stun immune with Quicksilver flask (pretty much 100% uptime)
-restore life/ES/mana on block, regen ES on phys hit
-i self crafted the staff so i could completely ignore accuracy and being blinded
-knockback on crit is tedious but it is actually very solid defensive mechanic. sadly cannot be toggled on/off
-tried to fit Frost Shield and if I could stay inside, it is solid defensive layer, combos nicely with Molten Shell without actually sharing cooldowns

the problem is damage, but that is because Cyclone kinda doesnt have it. after swap to other skill the damage/clear speed/bossing went up by a lot. it is telling that incidental 5link General's Cry (that means 2 damage supports) Sunder deals similar damage..

- cluster with Overlord for Fortify (altho cyclone kinda doesnt work well with Fortify)
- flash/flame - there are myriad of great picks
- awakened and or 20/20 gems, GCPs are hard to come by
- better weapon (attack speed roll ALONE is 25%+ more damage)

all fairly doable in regular league, all nigh impossible in SSF

in all - 'it works' but it is not the greatest. it is enough to get 4 voidstones, it is nice for some content (Ritual-like, Delve - confined spaces in general)

i found it actually refreshing when all elements (crit -> staff -> ES -> AR/ES mechanics) clicked so neatly and formed workable model i could work with.

8/10, would play again

final note: if your melee build cannot benefit from warcries it is weak. it is precisely the case here.
Last edited by sidtherat#1310 on Jan 28, 2025, 7:24:10 AM
I dont recommend Warcries or Cyclone.
Cyclone in PoE1 became more a caster skill used to trigger spells for damage. Its long ago that people have been using Cyclone with OK damage numbers on a pure phys build.

Warcries are too slow for PoE 1. Their cooldown is one clunky aspect but to make them feel not masochistic Autoextertion support is required. That means you trade the good auras for Warcries that used to be manual triggers with no reservation. I dont like the current state of Warcries at all. Instead for slam builds i recommend ditch every Warcry, slot in Multistrike, and stack attack speed. After that the build kinda starts feeling acceptable at minimum 5 attacks per second.

Getting max phys hit on Berserker is kinda tricky when no gimicks like Progenesis or Phys as Elemental taken are used. Endurance Charge are pretty much the only non trick option. Forget armour after you have like 20-30k. If you can somehow get more without opportunity costs like prefixes/skill points then OK but dont invest into armour at the cost of damage/recovery.

I think for a good melee ascendancy that feels tanky but low dps Juggernaut is a good start. With this i mean the average Jugg with rare gear going for the slam vision not the typical strength/accuracy stackers.

To adress the topic about Berserker i think the two ascendancy points Rite of Ruin and Defy Pain need some changes to be actually usable. The rest of the kit seems alright.
Last edited by zzang#1847 on Jan 30, 2025, 8:27:26 AM

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