Accendancy Trials are a Joke!

The ascendancy trials are terrible, 2 of the worse league mechanics I didn't enjoy was these 2 that were converted from POE1 to POE2. Never seems to have enough honor or the extremely bad RND rooms. I cant never seem to complete my 3rd ascendency points and its taking out the fun in progressing my tree. Extremely disappointed in this mechanic that was imported from POE.
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 3:58:23 AM
Yep, ubalanced and unfair for some builds. If you use motm and eb you have mana pool added to max honor, if you have es - same, but pure life builds are screwed. It's impossible to get as much life has mana or es, so that's it. If you use motm you can have -40% or no defense debuff, because it doesn't affect anything at all.
Last edited by Gosen#5296 on Jan 7, 2025, 7:07:38 PM
I can't stand these poor thoughts towards clearly thoughtful mechanics.

The only real headliner should be that the Warrior playstyle is rather horrible in mechanical based trials because its not really meant to be dodging as many "insignificant" hits.

If you grind enough rooms and actually check your relics you'll eventually have one that says "can see 1 room ahead" which is hella useful.

I'm playing Monk and I've thoroughly enjoyed the difficulty/reward experience and honestly what are good alternatives because all I see is whining and not suggestions. Should trials be a lot easier so 50% of the playerbase are likely to complete it on their first clear? Should full ascendancy points be fully accessible without much thought into build/gameplay?

I thought I was fairly strong, then got destroyed by the 2 golems, then after clearing a fair bit of end game, I realized I could improve myself to electrocute and freeze a lot better, now any monster, even bosses are just CC'd strongly and I have an easy time against most. Just use the systems fully before you rant, unless of course you want a world where Diablo 4 difficulty is the mainstream...
have you considered getting honour resistance relics? maybe.. dont get hit so much..? this is 100% a skill/basic understanding of the game issue.. in other words.. get good
I can't stand these poor thoughts towards clearly thoughtful mechanics.

The only real headliner should be that the Warrior playstyle is rather horrible in mechanical based trials because its not really meant to be dodging as many "insignificant" hits.

If you grind enough rooms and actually check your relics you'll eventually have one that says "can see 1 room ahead" which is hella useful.

I'm playing Monk and I've thoroughly enjoyed the difficulty/reward experience and honestly what are good alternatives because all I see is whining and not suggestions. Should trials be a lot easier so 50% of the playerbase are likely to complete it on their first clear? Should full ascendancy points be fully accessible without much thought into build/gameplay?

I thought I was fairly strong, then got destroyed by the 2 golems, then after clearing a fair bit of end game, I realized I could improve myself to electrocute and freeze a lot better, now any monster, even bosses are just CC'd strongly and I have an easy time against most. Just use the systems fully before you rant, unless of course you want a world where Diablo 4 difficulty is the mainstream...

People in the thread arent ranting dude, calm down.

Maybe they arent gods, like you, maybe they arent enjoying it and hava an opinion, and want to discuss their point (this is a discussion board).

Chill and stay humble...

People in the thread arent ranting dude, calm down.

I'm not at all saying its a full on rant but it is basically ranting when there's barely any specifics involved.

I won't spoil mechanics but all I'll say is that "no evasion/energy shield/armor" debuffs are rather ridiculous and don't really aid a full gameplay experience, rather make the devs work in monster difficulty much easier.
Also charm effectiveness/recharge rates and charm slot stat acquisitions are pretty damn poor and although there's passives to improve charms I think its anti fun to invest in them and GGG either need to figure out a passive tree discount system for such things or figure out something else.
Last edited by TrunktenUK#3407 on Jan 7, 2025, 9:34:33 PM
I can't stand these poor thoughts towards clearly thoughtful mechanics.

The only real headliner should be that the Warrior playstyle is rather horrible in mechanical based trials because its not really meant to be dodging as many "insignificant" hits.

If you grind enough rooms and actually check your relics you'll eventually have one that says "can see 1 room ahead" which is hella useful.

I'm playing Monk and I've thoroughly enjoyed the difficulty/reward experience and honestly what are good alternatives because all I see is whining and not suggestions. Should trials be a lot easier so 50% of the playerbase are likely to complete it on their first clear? Should full ascendancy points be fully accessible without much thought into build/gameplay?

I thought I was fairly strong, then got destroyed by the 2 golems, then after clearing a fair bit of end game, I realized I could improve myself to electrocute and freeze a lot better, now any monster, even bosses are just CC'd strongly and I have an easy time against most. Just use the systems fully before you rant, unless of course you want a world where Diablo 4 difficulty is the mainstream...

Funny I can't stand the "Use my Build" posts.
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Last edited by Scott_GGG#0000 on Jan 7, 2025, 9:50:43 PM

Funny I can't stand the "Use my Build" posts.

Wouldn't you at least think it would be interesting if OP said he can't do the trials well even tho he has a 1.5k ES+HP and imparted onto us his main skill usage for eliminating+cc'ing monsters?

You want GGG to magically make things better? That's going to potentially cause damage to the people who see current early access as a good challenge without needing a long life End Game with a 100 monster mess mechanics.

There's a lot of powerful cc's in this game, good passives and good uniques to compliment and spirit skill utilization used well is pretty op, so build discussion is actually a great topic and we should perhaps be talking about how GGG can mainstream player approach into getting into the correct mindset.

I wonder how many players don't even use their 2nd weapon slot effectively for instance...
Theres many ways to make it easier.

Farm/Buy (1-2exalt) the lowest token (3rd/4th asc).
Farm/Buy 75% honor resistance +defensive/movespeed/hp or max honor relics
Plan your route carefully and take full use of the vendor in Sekhemas
Make sure you have 25% Movespeed on boots
Youtube the boss fights if worried

For Chaos
I recommend trying different debuffs given to see what you deal with easiest and plan your route after that. Googling suggestions might help.
Zekang#3978 wrote:
have you considered getting honour resistance relics? maybe.. dont get hit so much..? this is 100% a skill/basic understanding of the game issue.. in other words.. get good

I am running this with my friend... after a few tries we gave up on doing 3 rooms of the first trial because we get wrecked on the third time every single time. You see 'advices' like 'get good' but just like someone pointed out the trials and in general the game has become too heavily leaning toward RNG and the RNG is too heavily stacked against players. Nothing personal but my friend is running energy build... he has 4000 k+ hp I am running hp build and i have 2 k. By the time you hit the 3-rd room/floor 2 k hp is almost nothing. It is 5 hits by mobs and when you get a room where you have to click on the pylons in order to get time you simply don't have the time to kill all the mobs and avoid all the attacks because time is ticking. THis 'get good' advice you give... get good how? I can't make my char 1 shot the mobs so i can get to the pylons in time. I can't control how much i get hit for because again this is related to my gear... and shoving me against a wall with a timer where i can chose to either get hit and run out of honor or fail because of the timer is more of a problem with the game mechanics than with 'get good'.

I am hoping that the other type of trials will be easier because at least there i can get hit every now and then without being afraid at every step. The honor trial mechanic is horrible and my 'advice' is to erase it from existence by putting anything else in.

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