What bypasses energy shield?

From what I can find searching, bleed and poison bypass energy shield. Chaos doesn't bypass energy shield, but does 2x damage to it.

Is this accurate? I'm constantly taking direct damage to my hit points while at full energy shield, while using Staunching and Antidote charms that are still at full charges when I look after taking the unknown damage. Usually when this happens I'm not near any enemies, standing in anything, or hit by any kind of spells or projectiles- so I am clueless as to what it could be.

I did just recently get hit by some bats on floor 4 of sekhemas that took out half my health without touching my energy shield, so I am thinking maybe they do chaos damage, it does bypass ES, and the posts saying otherwise are... wrong? o.O
Last bumped on Jan 8, 2025, 6:13:20 PM
After doing about 20 tier 15 maps, this random damage bypassing energy shield happened 0 times. It only happens to me in sekhemas.
Do you have the affliction with "You have no Energy Shield"?
While Chaos damage does not inherently bypass shield, Poison does, as do Bleed effects.

I think I'd need to know your gear and skills. Do you have a Meta Gem that costs Life (or other skills that cost Life?). Eldritch Battery?
Pretty sure bleed doesn't go through energy shield as it only works if it does health damage.
Last edited by 6_din_49#4066 on Jan 8, 2025, 5:44:27 PM
If it's only in sekhemas , do you have minor afflction where hits take 5% life mana & es?
if u use a mana flask with remove 15% life on use affix, the energy shield is bypass and u die

Here is one example I took a screenshot of, I had full life and just fell over dead when the enemies died, you can see I have over 4.6k ES and I circled the enemies I was fighting, they were far away so there weren't any death effects. Also you can see my honour is 44 less than max.

I have a support gem on pain offering that sacrifices 15% life, but I'm very careful about using it only when I'm safe far from everything and instantly use a heal flask after (I didn't even use it in the depicted case regardless).

It happens when I don't have the affliction "no energy shield", I don't have eldritch battery, and I don't have flask that remove life. I could potentially have the 5% life/mana/es affliction when it occurs, I'm not certain, but that shouldn't insta-kill me.

I have 96% fire resist, 75% cold resist, 76% lightning resist, and 96% chaos resist. I also have the Altered Flesh ascendency spec. Since I started using bleed and poison charms in sekhemas, I haven't been 1 shot through ES, but it has still been dicey with several hits doing at least 1k+ past ES instantly.

I'm assuming bleed and poison shouldn't instantly hit you with over 1k damage, but I can't ever tell what it hurting me. Running around in tier 15 maps without bleed or poison charms, I don't take any mysterious damage. I do see my health globe turn green sometimes so I must be getting hit with poison, but it never decreases my health in any noticeable way.
andred#5148 wrote:
If it's only in sekhemas , do you have minor afflction where hits take 5% life mana & es?
I think that's the issue here. Dots are bugged right now, they hit a lot of times per second.

Regarding screenshot, you still have some ES because some of your life is reserved, so it reached 0% before ES.
Last edited by 6_din_49#4066 on Jan 8, 2025, 5:42:51 PM

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