PoE early access received as steam gift - No early access

My steam account has been linked to my PoE account for years, my friend gifted me early access on 26th December. Every time I've tried to log in, I'm told my account doesn't have early access. I've tried to contact support and received nothing of substance back, just being asked for information that was already provided in my original email just before new years.

I've seen the many posts from people who bought keys from dodgy resellers having this same issue, but from Steam? Really?
Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 9:51:48 AM
Is it possible that you redeemed a Path of Exile 2 Steam Client Key instead? This only grants access to the Path of Exile 2 Client through Steam and does not grant access to the early access in and of itself. The person you received the key from likely provided you with the wrong key; you would need an Early Access Key that you redeem here if you would like your account to be able to access the Path of Exile 2 early access.
I wasn't gifted a key that I input into Steam, I was gifted "Path of Exile 2 - Path of Exile 2 Early Access Supporter Pack" through Steam's gift system. I pressed accept gift. Early access shows up as an available DLC within Steam, but theres no option to view a CD key to input into the PoE site.
Is it possible that you accepted the gift on a different Steam account than the one that's associated with your Path of Exile account? You can check which Steam account is linked to your Path of Exile account here.
No, I only have 1 Steam account. I've checked the linkage already, it's correct.
It doesn't look like the purchase has yet been applied to your Path of Exile account. You can double check this by viewing your account transactions here.

Are you able to open the Path of Exile 1 client via Steam and open the in-game shop, to see if this helps to refresh your account's entitlements?
Sorry for the delay, I had to reinstall PoE1. No, that doesn't look to have changed anything.
I'm sorry to hear that this didn't help!

I'm afraid I'm not able to assist more through the forums, unfortunately. It looks like something is preventing your Steam entitlement from being applied to your account. You'll need to continue your correspondence with Support you have via email.

If you haven't already, please be sure to send along your Path of Exile account name (including four-digit discriminator), the names of a couple of your characters, and your Steam64 ID. You should be able to retrieve this on Steam by selecting "Account details" and then looking under your account name on the left.

Additionally, screenshots of the gift being shown as accepted and applied to your Steam account might be helpful to our team when trying to diagnose the issue in this case, so if you can provide those that would likely be very helpful as well.

I apologise for any delay in getting back to you. We're experiencing a high volume of inquiries but our team is working as quickly as possible to work through these and we'll get back to you as soon as we are able to do so.
Thanks for your assistance JC, it's appreciated. I've sent all of that info already so I'll continue to wait. Thanks.
Received another email reply from Rajiv from support this morning, yet again asking for the more information that was in my original email. This "large backlog of issues" may not be so large if issues were being resolved, not just sent back to the bottom of the queue with pointless replies.

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