0.1.0e Hotfix 7

why are your settings maxxed out if you're having performance issues
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Because I can after tweaking and optimizing?

This is what you call failing.... This should not be happening right now. This is what happens when you make people pay for an early access and then go on holiday for a month. Come back, and have NOTHING done.

Its a joke. Thats what it is.
And the charts will show it, the downward line, until it spirals, and the game dies. Just like Diablo 4 did.
make people pay for an early access

How the fuck have you not added a way to hide ally VFX?

You really want me running around as a warrior with my infernalist minion friend who has 15k energy shield, who is spamming fucking fire walls and explosion bombs non stop.

How am I supposed to even see wtf is going on or ascertain what is dangerous and what is not when I don't have a 15k energy shield.

Fix your shit.
so many cry babies around here hoooolyy hahahah

Now the plug-in automatically brushes the image,I hope to crack down on cheats。Maintain the market for money production
Just dont tell 'em that developers dont give a shit about comments at patch notes posts
Brother you are the reason we get games like starfield and diablo 4

Bro what are you talking? I would never buy such utter shareholder insurances in disguise of video games. You mean that's the reason you are getting those?

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