Auction house

The problems lie within the player and bot themself. Not answering the trade and controlling economy. The base of the system is fine, but being a free market with no regulation make it a mess.
I dont know why people having such a problem with the trading system. If I imagine I had to type in all affixes for an item using the search function in an ingame auction house with my xbox controller I would definitely quit the game! Now I just take my mobile phone, search some items, whispering some dudes and get into contact with them. Its awesome and doesnt only save server traffic but you get to know some really cool people :D
If you have a problem with people not answering its propably because the prize is too good to be true :P its nice to see past trades as well so you get to know the real value of the items you are looking for.

Not only do you fail to realize how bad of a take this is, you have not played the game enough to know some of the biggest pain points of trading.
If GGG seriously want’s to expand PoE2’s appeal beyond their old player-base, they have no choice but to change this antiquated ‘whisper’ trading system to ‘instant buyout’.
Over the long-term, average ARPG enjoyers simply won’t endure this level of frustration & headache involved in gear-progression.
They could alternatively rework loot drop-rates & the gambling ‘Hail Mary’ crafting system … but something’s gotta give. Gear progression right now simply isn’t a fun & enjoyable experience for the average gamer.

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