Some accounts luckier or unluckier than others?
So I hit 90 on my ranger and about 150 hours play time and farmed less than 60 exalts where as my mate has got the same hours and similar playtime and has farmed over 800 exalts and 10 divs? More detail, ive been running some rarity around 80-100% my entire play through and he has been running mostly almost 0 rarity find. out of my 60 exalts..most of them drop only when doing duos with him and even then I notice how much more drops he gets. I've seen him get 3 perfect jewels in a week while i got 0 in my entire 150 hours.....WTF? Last bumped on Jan 8, 2025, 9:43:14 PM
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Despite what other people may tell you, this game same as POE1 heavily relies on RNG.
So, short answer is yes, luck can be considered a factor. |
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Same for me, i am level 85 played more than 200 hours and the only noteable drop so far was 1 greater jeweler orb. I have looted 0 divine or perfect jeweler orb or anything else of the "good" currencys
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Really depends what kinda of content you run consistently and how you tip the RNG in your favour.
You can run maps with +200-300% rarity mods and MF gear on top of that, but the chances of a Divine drop are still fairly small if there's not much content in the map. I find juicing up with "more rare monsters" and "rare monster have more modifiers" gives the biggest increase in loot (and difficulty). I've gotten really good loot out of maps with 0% rarity and only 80% MF gear by prioritizing rare mobs / pack size and breech. |
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They probably generate a seed at character or account creation, or possibly generate the seed based on HWID.
Try playing from their machine (or vice-versa) if this is feasible. Also try creating a new character or new account from the other person's machine. If any of these alleviate it, then yes, sorry, your account or machine HWID has bad luck. Blame it on crappy modern software dev practices unfortunately. |
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Luck is always a thing, no matter what you're doing.
In a game, the more rng there is, the more luck matters. And there is a LOT of rng in this game. Of course, it's not "some accounts are luckier than others" but rather "some people are luckier than others" regardless of the account. |
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" LOL this is just plain wrong... take off the tinfoil hat man. |
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" There is something HORRIBLY!!!! HORRIBLY!!!! Wrong with the loot system. I don't know if it is something new but I play with a friend of mine. We play together only and don't play the game separately. We are level 68 i think right now. He has looted 1 divine and 28 exalted orbs I have looted 8 exalted orbs so far. The chances of him getting 28 exalted orbs while I get 8 with the same % chance are about 0.172%. Now we are talking about pfff I don't know maybe 40-50 h so far... this isn't about 'luck' ... there is something fundamentally wrong with the drop chances. All the people over here commenting how its luck are 100% wrong... this ain't about luck. Needles to say that I play a lot of games with this friend of mine and this is the first time we see such huge discrepancy in the loot drops in a game where we have same magical drop chance(or similar stat) and same circumstances in general. I get being unlucky a couple of days of gameplay... but 40+ hours? |
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Uh are you using a loot filter? Are you or does your friend use the market to generate currency via trading?
What is your atlas tree? Are you rolling your waystones? Are you using towers to put league mechanics? Some accounts know what they are doing some dont. 60ex by 90 should be impossible, im 99% sure you are doing something horribly wrong. This isnt a baby game like d4 where you can just wing it and exoect to do well. |
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RNG is RNG. When Tabula first came out I found one three leagues in a row, then never again. Around crafting league with passives on weapons added up to 5, I found a 3 white socket shield at level 30ish. You know the shield if you played. Best drop ever on day 1-2 of league at 20+ divines.
Rng is funny like that. Once you get into the 10 million monster kill range this will equalize among most players. Sure some will be high and some low but assuming same Rarity since it applies here for now. Of course people that play parties will see the high side everytime. That's the games mechanics. I think it works out over all for almost everyone. Go with the flow. Things are good. I dropped from 300% rarity to less than 150%. Enjoy the game and have some fun, this is essentially just another league but high rates of changes will be present here. I am personally gearing towards DPS as I think we will see a nerf to rarity. My opinion on this doesn't matter one bit. GGG has to balance the game and I want to be part of that. RNG will be lucky for us all you just need more monster kills for it to happen. It is that simple. /kills One sad Exile
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