Don't listen to people who say you went crit too early. Check out my ice strike build, the board is much more optimal. Crit over everything, it's so much more valuable than elemental on the board, because there just isn't hardly any elemental on the board, and base physical is much more abundant, with more useful nodes. Also, the lack of elemental nodes on board makes us feel like we need to specialize, i.e.: put points in cold damage nodes, or lightning nodes. This isn't true. You don't need any of those nodes. Just these.
Load it up in POB and look at the dps.
And the dps in POB still isn't what it is in-game.
Good luck. Feel free to message me if you have any questions
Posted byCharMiLLi0n#0925on Jan 28, 2025, 7:26:56 PM
I've been going through maps with my freeze invoker reasonably consistently, but I feel like I've hit a bit of a wall around tier 9 maps, particularly in survivability, though my damage is also falling off a bit. I'm using CI+EY, so chaos damage isn't a problem, and my other resists are capped. EHP is 3k (plus overflow from grim feast), evasion is 4k (up to 6k with wind dancer). Main damage comes from ice strike with a listed DPS of 14k (with max inevitable critical, or 12k without) and tempest bell as needed (dmg is 5k impact, 3k shockwave), though a lot of the clear speed comes from herald of ice (5k dmg) and shattering palm (1.6k explosion dmg), plus ephemeral bonuses like ice bite, exposure, etc. Glacial cascade is mainly there for support and having a ranged option if I need it.
I feel like I really high-rolled on gear early on (great phys quarterstaff, 3-charm belt, good resist accessories), which carried me until here, but now the issues in my build are starting to show. I do have quite a bit of currency saved up, so I can probably afford to upgrade some of my gear if I knew what to look for. However, the defensive rolls on my helmet and body armor are already really good, and the contribution from gloves and boots doesn't feel as significant on that front, so I'm not sure what to get now that won't break the bank.
Since I'm already using the relevant charms, I'm thinking of refunding the points for freeze and stun threshold, and instead allocating them towards falcon technique (attack speed), spectral ward (energy shield), and/or coming calamity (damage). I'm also considering swapping out wind dancer or hypothermia for ghost dancer. I'd appreciate any input on these plans or any other ideas on how to fix my build. Thanks in advance.
ur missing polcirken, thats why..
Posted byxacebop#1994on Jan 30, 2025, 11:13:07 PM