Iron Citadel failed

still a bug, /bump
can confirm, happened to me yesterday.
Citadel is marked as failed, even though i killed the boss.
Immediately after the kill i could not reach connected maps, I thought it was a temporary bug, but today it says i failed the map.
This happened to me just now! Killed all the mobs and the boss, but the boss symbol in the map does not disappear, like it was still alive.
Same for me too today. Was with someone else running the iron citadel. We killed the Boss, and finished the map. Only got 1 fragment, sadly. Claims its failed. Which sucks. Have to go round the area to continue on.
Can confirm this is still happening, I also suspect it's something to do with killing the boss during an animation or phase transition, I killed the count just as he was starting his little poem but before the adds appeared.
Same bug, it may relate to the map boss bug, when you kill it too quick, and stuck in the arena.

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