My Personal thoughts on EA and some possible ideas (Xbox series X updated as of 1/5/2025)
" I don't see what the Rune issue has to do with trade? SSF would also like to swap runes in gear. Last edited by StrykerxS77x#8221 on Jan 6, 2025, 12:15:23 PM
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" I didn't say they serve no purpose. I said they are stupid because customizing with them is too penalizing. Let's say you add fire resistance to a good piece of gear. Tomorrow you no longer need that fire resistance and now that piece of gear is no longer optimized. This makes no sense in POE where the majority of the game you can respec out of decisions you made. Even the amulet anointing system allows you to change your mind and replace the anointment. The Rune system feels very out of place. I am on board with paying any amount of gold deemed necessary to remove or destroy a rune. Are you against them doing this? " I agree on charms. They need changes as well. Last edited by StrykerxS77x#8221 on Jan 6, 2025, 10:28:38 AM
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In the current state of economy yes. If they balance it out i wouldn't be opposed. Especially in trade league i don't see it as a problem. However a lot of that changes from a ssf perspective. However GGG do not balance the game around ssf if they did trade would economy would be in ruin in 2 weeks. The game is supposed to be harder and at the time of socketing the rune in you filled your need. Items are to constantly be changed out based upon new stuff being found. Trade as is ruins the game Johnathan wants as it will be too easy with no penalty on trades.
Last edited by bloodspaz#8599 on Jan 6, 2025, 11:32:25 AM
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" Trade ruins the game but you don't want SSF to be able to swap ruins? I'm not following your logic. Also my issues with Runes has nothing to do with trading. It's all about choices being penalized. POE basically always let you change your choices but it doesn't with Runes. Why? Explain what is wrong with being able to change your Rune choice? Right now all it does is annoy players. Players are choosing to not use Runes for fear of bricking their equipment. How is that a good thing? |
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SSF is a different economy compared to trade. i never said that about ssf. There needs to be an item sink to keep the economy functioning. there's not much to not understand. I plan around my items and have not once said i need to change this socket.
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" Item sink? Explain why Runes need to be permanent to keep the economy functioning. I dont get it. Great that it wasn't an issue for you. Do you see why it would be an issue for others? Does it make sense that players avoid using Runes while they drop like candy? |
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" Items are not constantly changed. If you find the right item you could be using it a very long time. On one hand the game gives you piles of Runes saying here use these to augment your gear but at the same time says oh but be very very careful because this decision is permanent. This makes no sense and does not fit the game. Even the mods rolled on gear are more flexible than this. " Trading is going to be the strongest way to play regardless of Runes. |
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I am constantly changing and finding upgrades and crafting . It doesn't fit your idea of the game. Some choices in this game are not made to be changed. Trade will not always be the strongest especially if he wants a more difficult slower pace game. If runes is what costs you a piece of gear for you then you have bigger issues to worry about.
Last edited by bloodspaz#8599 on Jan 6, 2025, 2:23:56 PM
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" Ok? This issue isnt about you specifically. People do get strong gear and dont change it for a long time. I found an awesome chest piece about when I started maps and haven't changed it yet and at lvl 91 now. I still dont know when I will change it. The idea that everyone changes gear so often that Runes being permanent does not matter is not accurate. " Ok so why this one? This game let's you change your mind on most things. The passive tree let's you respec even cheaper than I think is necessary so how does it make sense for Runes to be permanent? That doesn't make the game difficult. It's just a bad system. " Huh? What makes you think that? Based on history and EA there is no reason to think trading won't always be the fastest way to power. " Other than being a lame jab at me I don't know what your point is here. Obviously none of my gear would be unusable. It would simply be objectively weaker than it could be because of the Rune system. That's the entire point. It's a system that is inherently going to make players dislike their gear because it doesn't have the best Rune in it. |
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This post is 100% about me and nothing more. I never said it wasn’t bad but you clearly don’t understand that items have to have a sink. As I stated for one thing to be added another thing has to change. The game is too easy currently. Anyone that knew how to craft in Poe 1 always out performed trade. I stand by what I have said and if you don’t like it feel free to make your own feedback.
Last edited by bloodspaz#8599 on Jan 6, 2025, 8:22:09 PM
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