PoE 2 Trial of the Sekhemas Waypoint not showing up

Same...I cant access the quest... any fix
SAME please fix this its ugly
PROBLEM FIXED: kill the balbala BOSS in cruel mode, switch back to normal act 2 and kill the boss again,Then balbalas Barya will drop :)
feashki#6966 wrote:
PROBLEM FIXED: kill the balbala BOSS in cruel mode, switch back to normal act 2 and kill the boss again,Then balbalas Barya will drop :)

Didnt work on me
didnt work for me either
same Q.Q
Tried again to kill Balbala normal after Cruel, but no luck
Any update on this bug ?
I'm on my 2nd high level character, no issues with the first one getting to sekhema despite the mildly confusing way it was presented. Second character now I think I dropped the green quest coin, or maybe didn't complete the quest, location never added onto my map, even when using caravan. No problem, I thought- Went back to re-kill Bal-bala to get the green coin back, but it didn't drop. I am 99% certain I did this in the first act 2, I suppose there is a small chance I did this on the 2nd act 2 and that is why the coin did not drop. Anyway, I've now skipped sekhema all the way until my character is now lvl 78 with 3 ascendancies from trial of chaos. I really prefer Sekhema, so I gave it once last try today, and after rekilling bal-bala she dropped the coin and now I can get here on my map.

Can someone having this issue try re-killing act 2 balballa (the FIRST act 2, zone level 19) and see if it drops for you now? Just in case, turn of item filters or hold alt.

I'd like to help advocate for a fix if this is a real issue, because it will probably get dismissed by GGG or other players given the general confusion around getting the trial started by many players.

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