All Xbox/PS 5 and new players only. How do you feel about MF?

Word on the street is the PC community wants it gone. I get it. Greed will always come with trade. POE 1 has the same problem with the no lifers causing inflation. Me I don't like the end game at all. So in the acts using MF was a great help. We all know trade is just bad on console so I've been making my gear.
Everyone playthrough will be different and some people just have A LOT more time on there hands then normal. So I say meet half way and make it a max of 50% only. No over capping. What do you guys think?
Last bumped on Jan 4, 2025, 2:20:41 PM
As a new player I have no idea what "MF" is.
don't want to do it because we have no loot filters and it would probably be cancer.

Also not that excited to keep investing in gear with the fear that they might be doing nerfs again when they come back from holiday.
The funny thing to me is they want freedom to build a character the way you want and to experiment with building new ideas but then a stat like that makes it impossible to not have on your gear or you will likely have a bad time. Some classes have no problem with that and barely notice the difference and others are suffering because of it.

For new players it is hard enough to grasp crafting and gearing up. getting resistances up and balancing the stats you need for your build.

If you allow a stat like rarity to scale the way it currently does, drop rates get way out of hand and influence the market in unwanted ways. Making it even harder for new players and casuals to gear up because now all of the sudden 2 weeks into the league everything is priced in divines.

Imho, capping this at 50 or 100 would be fine. End of the day juicers will juice and more power to them but the baseline for drops is just bad and the crafting system is not in a good place right now making it feel much worse than it probably should be.

This is also what early access is for anyway, not only bug fixing but balancing the game.
As a new player I have no idea what "MF" is.

Magic Find / Rarity
MF should be put out of game completly.
It's far too strong which requires you to build around using it or switch out your gear constantly.

The options are to A) nerf it enough to where it isn't required but is simply a bonus mod. Or B) remove it from the game entirely.

I don't really care which they choose but they will have to choose one. I expect them to make rarity not effect currency drops.
Last edited by StrykerxS77x#8221 on Dec 30, 2024, 10:07:43 AM
I think it should have diminishing returns like it does in d2. I kinda don't believe rarity has a *causal* relationship to limited build diversity. It may be a contributing factor, but the data showing the three main ascendancies which sirgog originally shared were already established before people caught on to the value of rarity.
Been getting things that dont help me at all more so getting the negative gear rares lol, only positive rare ive constantly get is a staff that causes bleed and life leech... but iam ok with that i guess lol.... and since console doesnt have a trade board or "legit" item buy system i dont mind it in the game... since i honestly dont see me paying crazy amounts of real money on gear or the "hook" up like some streamers get... so i dont mind changing gear for better rare items... but rng sucks in general well for me in most games..
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."
I have no issues with MF. I do think a cap would be good, possibly around 100. You have to sacrifice some other items to have that much MF anyway. Or restrict modifiers on any gear that has MF on it.

Either way I am good.

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