Example /global 6666 is the minion global chat

Minion global chat ? :D. What is minion global chat? Haha. Minions talking to each other? 👀🤣
Khiljaz#9924 wrote:
Seyfzone#9724 wrote:
yeah just type /global and pick a channel most bot just go into default channels

I guess channel change does not work on Consoles. On PS5, you can't change channels as if it was a radio station, there are only Global, Whisper, Trade, etc.

I have turned off trade already, only using "Global" and "Whisper". If you know how the UI looks on PS5, you know what I mean

Yes you can. I'm on console and do it. Open the chat dialog box and type /global # and it will change your global channel to the # you entered. (Not trying to say this is a solution to the bots btw, they're ridiculous, but that's how you change channels!)

Is there a command to check on which Channel number we are currently in the game ?
Wish there was just a filter to auto ignore anything that has some crappy site URL
Wish there was just a filter to auto ignore anything that has some crappy site URL

Yeah that would work. Like filter keywords.

Today is getting worse again. And also they are now on another level: If you have items on sell in trade website, these bots are starting to send you whisper messages. Like WTF
What blows my mind is they don't even have to obfuscate the URL they are spamming. Same URL, same "promo code".

Sure, I don't think it makes sense to insta-ban anybody saying something like "Hey don't click those RMTWEBSITE.tld" to my friend, but if someone sends a message with one of these words, or a domain, and they get reported by a few people, that should be a big enough signal to mute the account until someone can review the messages being sent, deciding if the account should be perma-ban'd or if it was a mistake.

And then if the account is perma-ban'd, stop accepting payments from that CC and add it to a list of CC refusals.

Sure it's not 100% but it's a start.

P.S. How are they able to spam me in whispers when I log in at my Hideout? It'd make sense if I was in some public area where the bot was and the bot noticed someone new in the area, but I'm in my hideout and this seems like something is way broken if bots can take advantage of this.
Last edited by meLonCucumis#7606 on Jan 14, 2025, 2:21:43 PM

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