Trial of sekhemas still bad

I tried my 3rd ascendancy last night on my Titan. Area lvl is 62. I am Lvl 75, 2.5k Hp. Got a boon for more honour, my honour was around. 3.5k. Got an affliction to lose 5% life/es when hit. Got to the 2nd floor with around 3.3k honour. I chose escape trial, got to almost the end but i got 1 shot by a puddle or worm from the ground, idk what it really was. It killed me, it did not just emptied my honour. It was just 1 second and i was dead. There should be no 1 shot mechanic from white mobs or puddles idk. It is really frustrating. I enjoy the game, except the trials. Just bring the lab back as the 4th option. I don't care about the 3rd option coz i bet it will be as hard and unforgiving like the other 2 trials. Been holding off doing the trials coz it is really frustrating and ruining the experience of this wonderful game for me.
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 9:18:21 PM
Just to add, i am capped on elemental resistances, 62% chaos resist. 68% armor. Goes to 70% with rage..
What relics are you using because if you neglected honor resist this checks out. Sanctum has different scaling and relics are important to your success.
relic or not the 4th test and the end boss is literally a joke guess what after the 3rd floor there is a fourth you may be at level 85 and do a ton of damage it's not enough it must have minimum 5 million life points I was there, I had 2000 of honor left then it suddenly hit me or he goes around in circles and bam one shot in less than 2 second...It's literally a joke all the stress that it brings to end up dead at the end. I would perhaps unlock the last ancestry point at level 100 is still. The 3 floors are already quite difficult like the 4th n We don't even talk about it. I don't know what he was thinking when he decided to do that but the 4th point of ancestry if you didn't have a build that does 100k dps per second minimum don't waste your time don't ruin your mental health don't forget to have the maximum life point and energy shield lol on this one it's crazy...I'm in t15 I haven't unlocked my 4th point, what's the point??
relic or not the 4th test and the end boss is literally a joke guess what after the 3rd floor there is a fourth you may be at level 85 and do a ton of damage it's not enough it must have minimum 5 million life points I was there, I had 2000 of honor left then it suddenly hit me or he goes around in circles and bam one shot in less than 2 second...It's literally a joke all the stress that it brings to end up dead at the end. I would perhaps unlock the last ancestry point at level 100 is still. The 3 floors are already quite difficult like the 4th n We don't even talk about it. I don't know what he was thinking when he decided to do that but the 4th point of ancestry if you didn't have a build that does 100k dps per second minimum don't waste your time don't ruin your mental health don't forget to have the maximum life point and energy shield lol on this one it's crazy...I'm in t15 I haven't unlocked my 4th point, what's the point??
Abu your situation is completely different than what op said and trail 3 is a joke if you have built your relics up. That’s why I asked because they clearly left out honor resist being capped at 75%.
Last edited by bloodspaz#8599 on Dec 22, 2024, 2:17:40 AM
Idc if they made it even easier than they already have. I still think this idea to put sanctum and ultimatum as the trials was lazy. Everything about the game is so creative and fresh. Then you find out about the ascendancy trials and it's just so obvious they tried to save time here. No joke, I gave the game a 5 rating and it'll sit at a 2 now. Idc
You probably don't have honor resist relics, when you run sanctum with honor resist + max honor these runs are basically free, except some bs afflictions but still it's really easy to complete.
The difficulty in getting fourth ascendency is extremely stupid.
Last edited by StrykerxS77x#8221 on Dec 22, 2024, 12:44:45 PM
I am a lvl75 warbringer and I am struggling like hell and still can't clear my 3rd ascendency in trial of sekhemas lvl62. I'll contend that my resists are not all maxed out just yet but they're all 70% at least. I am not dying from low life but kept running out of honour. I started off the trials with honour resist of 59% and had additional 30% honour. Same as OP, I was so close to completing my third stage and this stupid fish looking mob jumps up from the ground, barely touched my warbringer and just drains my honour so quick but my health wasn't really affected. This is beyond frustrating as I've tried over and over again and I really don't think my build is weak or bad at all. It doesn't really feel fair for melee class to have to deal with not trying to get damage when the whole point of the melee class is brawling close range.

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