This game should never have been released on consoles

Poorly made compared to the pc version.

They need to make a refund button for early access console users.

They haven't responded for 2 weeks and they ignore console users.

I just want to hear a word
They're working on it, but it seems like they're already on vacation or not on Earth.

Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 5:24:16 AM
I heard before it came out they wouldn't ignore console. Well your statement no matter how much I love GGG and Poe is true and that's sad. Over 8 years playing Poe and I've never felt this ignored.
The console sector is too big to simply ignore but they have so many fires to put out and the timing of Christmas it’s probably best to take a break and check back in a few weeks to see where things stand if you are not having fun.

We gotta keep in mind unless it’s something they can fix sever side they need to push any updates to Sony and Xbox then wait for approval so there’s gonna be times we are just left behind for a spell.

They’ve been quick to change fun things so nerfs before qol.
Careful rng your starting to make too much sense around here.. Jokes aside it's the holiday there was set backs the game was supposed to launch ea in November not December. They are aloud to enjoy their holidays with their family and will come back and support us like always. This did not give them much time to get big changes through for consoles with the certification process in place. The console forum needs to chill out and stop over reacting when they have explained everything going on in detail.
this would be a complete rug pull if it was crypto.
Idk man, I loved PoE 1 and played it up until the end of Delirium way back when. It is literally unplayable still to this day on console due to stuttering. Internet is fine. Gateway is fine. Console runs fine. New character, old character, doing a run or just sitting still, it still stutters every 3 to 5 seconds and hasn't been fixed in over a year and a half, probably closer to 2 years.

And what's the deal with never adding matchmaking??? Like wtf is the point of having the option to run with a large group if there isn't even a matchmaking system after all this time?

I once loved this company and the content they put out. I would only hope that they actually listen to the player base this time around.
Welcome to the real game the forums of bugs and optimization lol, curious about 70% of the issues both consoles are having.... saying early access is just a excuse .... so why are they not transparent of saying at least something, people saying well its holidays now, well they sure as hell can work from home lol....... iam in some other "early" access games and sure as heck the devs are talking to people on the discord and up front and a small budget compared to GGG, which i know they have a pretty good budget to address things.... curious since we are playing pretty much the full game why are not people being more vocal??? most the replies are "get gud" or "early access" lol i guess consoles are the true beta/aplha testers lol
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."
Your not playing anywhere close to full game 6 classes, 3 acts over 300 skills missing,and more coming to end game. They spent hundreds of hours leading up to beta going over what to expect. Even delayed release of ea due to porting over stuff they didn't have to do. GGG has always gone down to a skeleton crew during the month of December. Consoles Have a certification process before anything big can be pushed out.
this is a 8 month long beta and we are like a week n a half into it lol alot of things will be improved and changed this was never going to be a polish finished product, the "nerfs and balancing issues" will always prioritise over QoL things untill they get things right the reaason they "nerf" builds is because they have released the shitty Support gems first if there overpowered when the new classes come out and they release the other 120 support gems we have all not seen yet the build will be going Nuclear lol

AS for Silence from GGG its not nice but MAYBE scroll up on the forum page and look as where the feedback is for PC there is a section there called ANNOUNCEMENTS they have been posting everything in there all the stuff to do with fixes its not nice to not have a section just for console but we are all on the same "patches and fixes" as PC now were crossplay so just look in announcements there and "patchs and feedback" its all the things coming to console and PC

SO whatever PC get we get if PC have down time we have down time, Console doesn't have a loot filter yet GUESS WHAT PC dont have a loot filter yet, they only have the capability to have a loot filter because they have they can add stuff directly into the game files as for the "official loot filter" PC dont even have it yet, look on any PC players profile they dont have the SYNC DATA just like Console but no body has the sence to look and just cries we dont have this or that.

There is alot wrong with this game sure and now im starting to get into higher maps im seeing the preformance shit the bed for sure, and im sure GGG will improve this but it will take time this is why they called this a beta and not "the game" the biggest mistake GGG did was charge for it because once money is exchanged then thats when people expect a polished product.

if you ever played fortnite when that first came out its preformance and hit reg was horrendous, and that got fixed but it was in "early access" for like 2 years or something until they polished everything GGG have set themselfs a 8 month task which i think is a lot shorter than they think, but we have to be patient and give them time complaining that the game isnt playable or perfect after 1 week of a beta is rediculas thats the point of a beta to play test the game and sort the bugs out

this FEEDACK SECTION is ment to be you play find things wrong with the game and then report it so they can address it and fix it giving feedback like we want a loot filter isnt gonna help, or the games unplayable isnt gonna help...

if the games unplayable then let them know exactly what it is and where it is happening ie: Playing Ice shot preformance dropped when entering (insert map) when killing mobs in breach hands etc etc stuff like that if you can give them a detailed issue then things will happen and then they can address it

other things like im playing Warrior and the power creep of its skill is underwhelming, not enuff damage nodes in area, current level 33 and monsters are taking 30 hits to die stuff like that so they can reloook at things and revise OTHERWISE is is going to be a looooooooooooonnggggg 8 months for people

go look at PC feedback they are all giving GGG things to work on and work with while console are crying no loot filter and the game is bad use you brain god gave you and give actual constructive feed back otherwise Console version is going to be a shit show come 8 months down the line beecasue there is like 3 people giving actual feedback and fyi the DEV read every post but they just dont reply because everyone is like a pack of wolfs after blood maybe if we all started posting respectful posts maybe the dev's would reply to us
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Dec 20, 2024, 8:29:51 PM
the game is great but in the state it released on console i honestly would want my 30 dollars back lol

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