My items do not show up on trade site of PoE2

I have the same issue. Listed rattling scepter today at fixed price in premium tab configured as public and it does not show in trade at all. Neither in active nor in any search options.
Also, it would be best if users can buy fixed price items automatically, even if I offline. Price is fixed so why not?
I have the same issue. Listed rattling scepter today at fixed price in premium tab configured as public and it does not show in trade at all. Neither in active nor in any search options.

It appears to show up fine:

For you and anyone else in this thread; you must provide a search URL so we can debug your filters :)
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I fixed it by changing all my privacy setttin, setting all the private then public again
Same. Tried turning public for all stash reconnecting then setting it back up to public but still now showing any items I'm setting on the trade site.
I am having the same issue. I have tried toggling the setting on the trade site to private, and every other version of public, relogging, restarting, setting tab to private, and back to public, and going offline/online on Steam.

Edit: As soon as I posted on here, it fixed itself...
Last edited by Renasaurus#1069 on Feb 16, 2025, 9:52:17 PM
Make sure /dnd is OFF - This seems to cause the same result
Last edited by xXx_Dougster_xXx#1391 on Feb 17, 2025, 10:45:16 PM
I have the same issue. Nothing helped.

Edit - solved

Had to set the "ONLINE STATUS" of the trade settings to "SHOW MY STATUS".

Hope that helps
Last edited by wiLLow86#3937 on Mar 1, 2025, 6:19:40 PM

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