PoE2 Trade Site Invalid Query - Account Must Be in Game

Don't quite know what's wrong but at some point the PoE2 Trade site started giving me this whenever I try to direct message people: Invalid Query - Your Account Must be in Game to use this Feature. Obviously I am in game, correct steam account is linked to the site, and I have refreshed and cleared caches related to reset it. Any ideas why this is happening?
Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 11:04:45 AM
I have the same issue now
Same thing with me. Kinda making me lose interest tbh
I think we have two different accounts, after the errors on servers we got kicked out and entered through e-mail. If you can, logout, and login, then scroll to bottom and login with steam. This should fix it
Hey there, if you have already contacted us at support@grindinggear.com, we will respond to you as soon as we can. We are currently working through a large number of support requests, but please rest assured we will get back to you as soon as possible.
I keep getting Invalid Query when trying to trade
seriously you guys are dropping the ball here. Trade is a huge part of this game and i cant even message someone to get basic stuff.
I was having this issue and found out that for some reason I had 2 accounts (I don't remember creating the second one) and my main one didn't had an email linked to it. Just linked my email and the problem was solved.
Last edited by Gixxer#4714 on Dec 24, 2024, 10:18:58 AM
Same here. I’m in ps5 and can’t message anyone to trade. My cross play is enabled
In the Game Menu click Trade Website. It’s going to ask you that it will open a web browser, click ok. From there if you are on Ps5, Xbox or Steam don’t enter your email and pw, you have a chose of login in right away down at the bottom where it stated “or continue with,” chose which console you are playing and it will log you in right away. You should be able to trade now.

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