Crafting Suggestion - Is this the solution?
I think the problem with crafting is not just that it's not deterministic enough, I think it's also just extremely boring. I constantly compare it with Last Epoch crafting in my mind because I think it chases the similar goal: to make ground loot valuable.
But LE: - Drops identified items - because noone wants to pick up garbage and use scrolls on it, it's so tedious. - Has great built-in lootfilter which allows you to adjust itself on the fly and always only see valuable drops. - When you pick up these drops you have a good and fun ~2 min crafting process with about 7-10 uses of various runes and glyphs. Every step includes luck but is far from complete randomness and you usually don't know how good the item will turn out until the very end. When in PoE2 you usually hit 2 orbs at most on a base and is done with it. LE has a good, really good system - but still I always liked PoE1 crafting better. And then GGG totally revamped it in PoE2 to make current nonsense... |