Ps5 "Your account does not have access to Path of Exile 2 Early Access"
What about in-game trading? How can that be addressed if your playing early access on ps5?
Same problem here, I bought on Ps5 and on top left of it shows I even has ps5 points. I bought the 150$ supporter pack on console. On Poe website it shows my account is linked to sony but says I don't have early access and not showing any characters. Only character it shows is a ranger from poe1 that I played back in 2019. Some people are saying that even thought you buy a version via console and its linked to POE website you haft to actually purchase another 30$ early access through steam in order to actually play your console character on PC. Thats a bummer because I thought it was cross progression but it is apparently only if you buy 2 version. I know it will be free on release but still dont feal like my 150$ should be locked to console. If free comes out and I log into PC and there is no Cross progression and my skins I Bought from console are not on pc then I will never spend another dime on this game. I know its early access so im hoping all this gets worked out. Its an amazing game.
Same issue here. Now I have my first account only showing my poe1 progress and cash. My second account is not seen as poe2 account either. Can access the poe2 trade with this one but cannot whisper. Purchased early access via ps store and the account is linked to sony. Don't know how to figure out to trade something now...
Got the same issue - POE website doesn't recognize my POE2 progress on PS5 (purchased on PS5), only shows my POE char I played on Steam/PS5 downloaded via Steam.
Understood that the PS5 chars don't show up on the POE website (yet) based on the GGG account's feedback. The question is that how can the POE2 console players trade if their console accounts don't get recognized on this website? |
Same problem. Bought early access in the PlayStation Store and played on PS5. Characters are not visible on the site and I can't log into my account from my computer because it says I don't have access and I have to buy it, although it's already been bought. I bought the game only because it's cross-platform...
Posting here, too. On PS5 version.
Dido. Same issues as above plus issues with item filters, which I’m assuming it’s because my PS5 purchase is not yet recognized by the client site. I am logged in on GGG site as well but am not getting filters added under item filters.