Trial of Sekhemas door not opening

Had a token for a 3 trial. Completed the first set. In the room with the chests. Go to open the door for the 2nd set of trials. Door gets stuck in a opening animation loop but never opens.
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 3:05:51 PM
I have a similar issue. Entered door to enter the third floor and I got a loading screen followed by unexpected disconnect. Can't log in on that char now.
got the same issue, did first boss went to access 2nd trial and door stuck in spinning animation
I was in a similar issue where the door opening animation started, and the little circle in the centre kept spinning. It just stayed like that forever until I finally gave up and quit out. When I loaded back in, it did let me join back into the trial though. I've been having a lot of failed to connect to instances lately though which might be similar.
I have the exact same issue. The door is stuck in the openening animation, the lock turns forever. I've been waiting for 5 minutes and the door is still turning but not opening or letting me access the third floor.

bug report number 721 853 703
same here, door is stuck in its animation...
Count me in for encountering this issue too. Door keeps spinning but won’t open. Was at full honour too :((
same issue, wasted my djinn

Edit: the interesting thing is, when I log out, and go back in, I can rejoin the trial on the next floor so all good
IGN : Hungryneko
Last edited by hungryneko#0101 on Dec 21, 2024, 5:33:25 AM
if 2nd/3nd trial next floor door stack, you can try relog in to the relic altar, it should be show up you next level trail. at least work for me.
I have the same bug I can't start the 2nd floor... am i going to lose my Djinn over this?

Im getting disconnected with the maassesge saying " The Terrain generator for the client is out of sync with the server. plesase create a new instance and try again."

Does this mean my run is ruined?
Last edited by ZandrXIX#7379 on Dec 21, 2024, 10:05:43 PM

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