The checkpoint before Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun is not working?

Ketzuli, Hight Priest of the Sun - Checkpoint before boss is not operational.

My little witch keeps getting teleported back to the beginning of the instance with all mobs having respawned. Her vampire-esque ways cannot endure this instance much longer. Please send help.
+1, still happening, very annoying run back to boss, fix pls
same thing happening to me
same thing happening to me
Me too! I respawned at the 1st floor. I tried to teleport to 2nd floor. From 2nd floor, I teleported to 3rd floor, but I was teleported back to 1st floor. I need to fight through 2nd floor again in order to reach 3rd floor! Please correct asap! This is really annoying !
I'm currently having this issue, I always get there with half my flask and it's very annoying and hard to deal with! Would love a hotfix!
I wanted to add that there is also a bug on this boss that makes you teleport glitch and you can't move properly. It's happened 4 times in a row to me, no other boss does this to me!

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