so far the worst things I see in the game are:
1. The whole gem system is clunky, unfinished and partially unintelligent (about being able to use 1 support gem per character). Obviously, this will largely reduce the amount of potential builds that can be created. I prefer to rather see this 'feature' as a preventive measure for the game being in early access than an actual part of the game when it's officially released later - just because they want to avoid unnecessary overlap of skill features which would cause problems with graphics, pathing, etc.;
2. Maps are TOO DAMN large. There is mostly very similar content throughout any given zone which makes the experience monotonous and boring, even heavy at some point. The size of zones should be drastically reduced (by 20 to 40%);
3. The 'difficulty' feature should be removed once and for all. I cannot stand replaying the whole content but "more difficult". Instead of playing one whole story from A to Z - the better variant;
4. Currently the 'Checkpoint' system is absolutely useless and bugged. First and most importantly the monsters SHOULD NOT RESPAWN after you die. Second - the checkpoints should be only at the boss locations and not at a random location at least half of the times. People would usually hate to see monsters at places where they already explored the map and are sure everything should be dead there;
5. Players should be able to move and redirect the character at any time during channeling of skills. Currently, you will cancel the channeling even if you click with your mouse while channeling. I consider this a minor bug that would be fixed soon but I preferred to mention it.
You can not be serious..
1) Go play PoE1
2) thats why they added the checkpoint teleport in this patch
3) Bro, they clearly said thats only for early access because act 4-6 isnt ready yet.. like cmon complaining about is silly
4) again, there are gonna be even more now, to teleport.
5) if true, good point
Posted bypaddle#3184on Dec 17, 2024, 7:19:48 PM
Another nerf to minions. Cool! Bravo! (No). Guys, seriously, maybe that's enough, huh? Okay, the first nerf, at least it’s logical. But now what? Do a couple of extra skeletons globally break the balance? annihilate bosses in one hit? I didn’t notice this when I died on the T7 map today. Buff weak abilities instead of killing strong ones. The game should be fun to play, but something like this only causes anger and a desire to delete the game.
We paid for this! And instead of giving something new, you take away what the players are already accustomed to, without compensating for it in any way. The health of the skeletons would then be increased so that they would be more durable. But no, you just increased costs.
Bad way. Just a bad way...
Actually, I paid to get minions nerfed. It's my right as a paying customer!
Also if your build is broken by having one less arsonist late game, you got much bigger issues to deal with.
Posted byTyki11#0538on Dec 17, 2024, 7:19:50 PM
Please add loot filter api
Posted bysullisaur#5080on Dec 17, 2024, 7:19:51 PM
The beetle abuse is gone! Can divines go back to 35-40ex please and thank you :)
Watching people fight over the price being low for them in trade chat was hilarious because of this beetle.
Last edited by Hazed_Parallax#0178 on Dec 17, 2024, 7:21:36 PM
That's a lot of stuff, good job.
But we are still frustrated you haven't done anything about the character balances. Zero.
- You need to nerf stormweaver spark archmage
- You need to nerf deadeye LA/LR
- You need to buff spell casters that isn't spellweaver using mana tempest (stormweaver is the only one with enough mana sustain to utilise it).
- You need to really do something about Invoker ascendency +45% energy, it's useless with the current state of triggers
- You need to buff triggers, they're useless
Have a look at the top 1000 ladder distribution. It tells you a lot of information. Please utilise it.
Ok so you want the graph to be equal on all classes, but you didn't specify where the power level is.
If you want it brought down to the bottom, then I'll just uninstall, I'm not investing 500 ex in gear so I can't finish T15 because of nerfs.
Posted byMAD_DAN#0389on Dec 17, 2024, 7:20:12 PM
Another nerf to minions. Cool! Bravo! (No). Guys, seriously, maybe that's enough, huh? Okay, the first nerf, at least it’s logical. But now what? Do a couple of extra skeletons globally break the balance? annihilate bosses in one hit? I didn’t notice this when I died on the T7 map today. Buff weak abilities instead of killing strong ones. The game should be fun to play, but something like this only causes anger and a desire to delete the game.
We paid for this! And instead of giving something new, you take away what the players are already accustomed to, without compensating for it in any way. The health of the skeletons would then be increased so that they would be more durable. But no, you just increased costs.
Bad way. Just a bad way...
+111111 <3
Posted bycrystaliz#2970on Dec 17, 2024, 7:20:18 PM
Still nothing fixed about pc freezes while loading zones... See you in a month maybe.
revert back to 23h2 from windows. This happens in a few more games than Path of exile so it should be a windows issue most likely. Since i reverted back it hasn't happened since Day 2 of PoE
Posted byKiriela#7602on Dec 17, 2024, 7:20:51 PM
Unearth doesn't do any damage now. Doesn't raise minions from corpses either. It's bugged.
Nevermind it started working after changing the zone.
Last edited by tobikk#4614 on Dec 17, 2024, 8:06:08 PM
Posted bytobikk#4614on Dec 17, 2024, 7:20:55 PM
uhh this item was not in patch notes and now i cant use for 40 more lvls?

Posted byLiffordius#2028on Dec 17, 2024, 7:21:01 PM
I was already logged in but now its time to LOGIN DOOOOOD
Posted bySinbad0770#1842on Dec 17, 2024, 7:21:28 PM