Quality Of Life improvements needed [long]
" Thanks! That is so confusing. I was expecting to see the necessary buttons highlighted in the UI. Also, in other places the "info mode" pops up pressing the R stick, so I was kind of expecting to use the same stick for the whole thing... Took a few tries but this seems to work. I guess it's not the best user experience, but console is limited. " Hmmm, ok. I already saw that you could hold down X to open a new instance from any door but there is no indication of that on the waypoints or in the map. Good to know someone is able to hack the system :) Thanks. I'm going to update the initial thread with your findings. Having said that, at the very least the interface needs to be made more explicit for console users. |
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" This must be of the utmost priority, really. Last edited by Koanbit#1251 on Dec 23, 2024, 5:15:29 AM
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Well written and addresses most the issues I've experienced. |
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" Thank you very much 🙏🏻 Feel free to add here the issues you have experienced that I did not include. |
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Great feedback!!!
Given that you play minions (it sounds like), please test some abilities that require targeting. You will find there are many issues worth adding to your list. Ones I’ve had major issues with are skills that you can use on other skills like frost bolt cold snap or anything hitting tempest bell. Totems are difficult to position. Anything that requires you to target between you and the enemy, everything is either on top of them or max distance away from you. |
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" Thanks!!! Targeting has always been a massive aRPG pain for console players, or in general playing with a controller. There are only a handful of games that found ways to tackle this but it doesn't seem to be an easy task. In the list I mention one solution, which is to give a button the ability to lock a target and switch between targets (I suggest pressing the R stick to lock and moving it to switch), which is the most common implementation of a "fix". Though in many cases, you lose the locked target when you dodge. Another one is to allow at least to aim closer or farther, depending on how long we press the skill key. To be honest, I'm not even sure this can be fixed because of how fast is the action but also because of the graphic chaos on screen during a fight. I have little hope this can be solved, unless the hardware changes, but who knows. |
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I had forgotten the very important drop selection on console, so it's now added to the list.
Even with filters, sometimes it's really tricky to only loot one of the many drops on the ground, so there needs to be a way to cycle through them. |
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It's great to see some suggestions on this thread being implemented in patch 0.1.1, like how to handle filter synchronisation and replacing runes in gear.
But lots is still remaining, and I'm noticing new issues that I will add here soon. Feel free to add yours too. On top of these Quality of Life improvements, there is also the matter of the many graphic issues on console (PS5 at least), that I mention in another thread:https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3666282 The good thing is that it seems this thread is being considered by the developers so always bump it and contribute! ✊🏻 |
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Some more points and Idears.
Atlas Map ::::::::::: Search Function - To find maps Faster Overhowl of the Atlas Map on Console. The Console cant handle the ammount of informations, when u get to a point, where to much space is open. And i think that console will never be able to handle this. So console need another solution for the Atlas Tree. UI Options ::::::::::::::: U can set the Healthbar on the Left or Right or Center, but u cant put it on the Top left or right. I Think this is a much needed change. Its conter intuitive to look Downards to check your mana or health. I know there is an option to set a health bar over ur Character, but i am curiois, why we cant set it like in poe1 Chat in General :::::::::::::::::: U need to set Keybind for open Chat or u must go into your inventory and open the chat wit L2? Po1 Was better in this regard. When u want to post an item u must go to your Item , hold Square, copy it, than press circle, after that u must confirm chat menue, than press L2 to close chat menue, than the item is postet-.... Please what? We need a defnitily change of that. ( Again poe1 does it better ) Not to mention, that u cant copy paste items out of your stash. Ingame Information about .... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: It must be possible to get an ingame Wikipedia Style of Handbook Page. If you click on it, you get all information you need ( What affixes can roll on which item a.s.o ) Yeah! Things like CraftofExile ingame. This is a must have , when u want to play on console. It should never be intended that u need 3rd party tools. Its like playing a Openworldgame without a map, and the Gamedevs saying - What? Do u not have Phones? Where u can google the map?. This should never happening in the first place. We need a Hadnbook page for Affixes and what can roll A Handbook for all the Button functions ( no explaination for anything atm ) We need a Handbook for the Stash usage ( How to set Stashes for Sale , and other function ) . And the List can go on. But its EA, and in poe1 we got something like that over time ( not the CraftofExile page, but tutorial Book ) Last edited by nathandark84#9725 on Jan 21, 2025, 5:55:44 AM
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