PoE 2 - Gem corruption is broken. + or - skill from vaaling gems does not work

I'm playing warbringer warrior and got myself lvl 20 uncut skill gem.Used it on Sunder then corrupted it and got + 1 but then i found out that the dps did not increase.Tested further by wasting a lot of skill gems and vaals and found out that neither +1 to level or -1 work at all on any of the skills i tried.

Edit: Spoke with 2 more ppl and they confirmed it is bugged for them too.One said that it might be the tooltip thats bugged and doesn't count the +1 from corruption (i hope it is)
Last edited by ToastOnJams#6189 on Dec 16, 2024, 11:05:54 PM
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2025, 11:32:26 PM
bump, hope they fix it soon.
Agreed, my schockwave totem as lvl 18 does same dmg as corrupted 19 [18+1]
The +1 does not count from Vaal
Same here with my lvl 21 frost mages, at least the tooltip dps did not change, hard to tell if the value is actually applied.

Ran a couple of tests against the queen of filth, using some of my minion gear and used 5 different gems to see if there was a damage difference and if it was only the tooltip that is bugged, unfortunately, the +1 from corruption simply does not work.

What I did was keep my actual gear without my rattling scepter so as to have only one frost mage as a minion and nothing else, I also specced out of the hellhound ascendancy node. I then let the minion hit the boss 10 times and recorded the damage number on the boss bar. I also added the controlled destruction support so that crits did not affect the results.

Here is what I found:
- actual gem level 09: 3936 - 3946 - 4018
- cor -1 gem level 10: 4318 - 4568 - 4688 - 4656 - 4506
- actual gem level 10: 4601
- cor +1 gem level 10: 4807 - 4976 - 4700 - 4501 - 4479 - 4570 - 4718
- actual gem level 11: 5389 - 5580

If you look at the first few numbers, you'd think the +1/-1 corruption was working, but then it just averaged to the same number in the end. Also, compared to the actual lower and higher gem levels, the difference was basically meaningless.

So yeah, +1 corruption does not work right now, at all. Don't waste 22 divs like I did lmao.
+1 got 20 +1 and 20 skele brute. Both gems have same stats, hp and dmg
Found this thread in a Google search. Same issue here. +1 to Hexblast from corruption does nothing to increase the DPS.
Last edited by Serious#3784 on Dec 30, 2024, 10:44:45 PM

Tested with Lightning Arrow and Lightning Rod gems.
Lvl 18+1 is the same tooltip as lvl 18, whereas an actual lvl 19 gem has higher tooltip in both cases.
Same with Skeletal Storm Mages and Bonestorm.
Last edited by Eoshaan#2097 on Dec 31, 2024, 4:09:46 PM
The usual learning experience we all love, spend your hard earned currency on worthless things.



notice the corrupted gem has longer cast time and lower base damage, which as far as i have seen, you can't filter in trade. (all of the +1 level corrupteds i made have lower base damage and longer cast time)
Last edited by Gloran_#0645 on Dec 31, 2024, 4:40:11 PM

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