POE2 Eye Strain: Am I the Only One?

If you are playing through the map overlay.
I bet that is why.

In poe1 it more blueish ... i think and stands out more from the floor colors.
In poe2 i find the floors are white and bright colors and the map blends in and eyes strain to see all the time...

I think they should allow us to change that color.

Yes, I play with overlay. Probably as most of us do. There is no other way to play that type of games :)
Well for me I do feel like the camera is too zoomed in while mapping.. down traversing feels very bad in maps. Also the amount of bad pathing, and terrain in your way makes it not fun.

I experience getting very dizzy playing the game now due to maps. Campaign I felt was fine, but still zoomed in too much. This could be a resolution issue on my end, but not sure.. I don't think it SHOULD be the problem. (1960x1080)

Edit: I can never find a good brightness for this game, no matter what it's either too bright, or too dark. Mobs always for me blending in with the terrain(well not always, but in specific locations)
Last edited by GIowSticks#7934 on Dec 21, 2024, 2:29:29 AM
Turning off DYNAMIC RESOLUTION helped me :)
You're not the only one. Regularly playing in a group of 3, one lightning sorc, one minion witch and a warrior.

The entire screen is full of effects and its eyestraining like mad and also prevents us from seeing mob-skills, aoe-zones and so on.

There needs to be a special setting to reduce effects for groupplay if you ask me.
Last couple of days I struggle with muscle spasms in my left eye, I assumed its because I spend way too much in front of monitor and forced my way trough it cause I love this game so much... now that I've read your post I realised, never had similar problems before even though up to early access release I was playing other games in same length.

I would bet that culprit is map overlay or cumulative effect of it with dynamic culling/upscaling (which I just turned off). I'm constantly changing my focus closer and father, jumping between overlay and gameplay but in fact distance to monitor stays the same, could this cause problem? when u often "jump" with your focus vision to graphics that sometimes are blurry(upscale/culling) i think our eyes just focus harder in order to see sharper and that strains them.

I hate map overlay but u cannot play efficiently w/o it.. its necessary for navigation and corner map is not sufficient, both are almost same zoom size, but corner map takes only small portion of screen space, cant navigate it with arrows, transparency setting are fine on one map but not on next(I ended up with slider moved to the right which make its harder to see beyond it)

hope something can be done to limit eye fatigue and also guys please spread hate against overlay!!:D we want to look at the game and use map for navigation not use map as actual gameplay..

edit: I started supplementing magnesium and spasms stopped but eyes still hurts and i try not to use overlay as much, just open close to see where to go
Last edited by BogdanWiadro#3766 on Dec 25, 2024, 12:08:00 PM
Please give us the option to turn off, or at least tone down, the intense firework effects. I won’t be able to continue playing because my eyes can’t handle it anymore.
Effects such as the ones which make characters blurry in a vertical bar pattern, motion blur, dynamic resolutions and chromatic abberation are all effects in games which can cause significant and serious eye strain. There are others, but these are some of the ones in PoE2 specifically that may be affecting you. Many of these you can turn off or use an external program to correct, if you're interested. I'm hoping that GGG will be able to do something to assist those who it affects though. I'm fortunate enough that PoE2 doesn't bother me much, but I've had this in a few games and it's really a nightmare to try and deal with usually, you're definitely not alone!
Are you running an NVIDIA graphics card?

If so the in game filters will save your eyes and head.
If you press alt+f3 you can pull up a menu that will show you all the different filters you can apply.

Put on the "details" filter and play around with the "HDR Toning" slider until it's as bright as you like it. It makes a world of difference.
I have been looking for the fix, I was getting a severe eye strain. I read one of the comments here about dynamic resolution and that is what fixed it for me!
I turn off blue light on my monitor. This game is quite bright.

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