Life flask is pointless for CI

Please allow us to swap out the life flask for another mana At least ?

Am I the only one who thinks this is bizarre that we can't have a bit of flexibility in the TWO flasks?
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 10:53:02 PM
Or you can use Eternal Youth to apply life recovery from flasks to Energy Shield
Caustic Arrow/Death's Oath Occultist -
Yeah... You can but why would you? 6 points to gimp my build just so I can use the life flask doesn't seem logical. I just think there needs to be some flexibility on flask usage.
same with infernalist "all mana is converted to infernal flames"

once you have that node, you have **zero** reason to ever use a mana flask.

would it really be game breaking if people could CHOOSE to double up on life or mana flasks?
..or get some kind of utility flask instead like in PoE. Part of that is charms now but I would like to use a movement speed flask or some such.
Clearly, the game needs an Energy Shield flask that slots into both the life and mana flask slots.

Thror2k5#7154 wrote:

would it really be game breaking if people could CHOOSE to double up on life or mana flasks?

But think of the poor Infernalist CI players.
... unless they also run EB and MoM, then there's no helping them.
Maybe we'll one day get a belt with no flask slots?
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
Throw Blood Magic keystone in there. Why do I need a mana flask with Blood Magic?
Considering flask charge managements in boss fights is part of their game design, I doubt we'd be able to be flexible with it. Although perhaps they'll be some unique life/mana flasks we can use that might be more utility oriented.


good grief go back to D4.
f4ward#6124 wrote:
Or you can use Eternal Youth to apply life recovery from flasks to Energy Shield

1500 ehp pot for 9k es is so useless xD
IGN: UgaBugaMajkaFaja

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