Hi, I have been playing with no issues at all till last 2 days, now I have nonstop network spikes. (checking in game graphs network keeps jumping from 40 to 300 every 2-3sec) I have stable 120+ fps and it feels like I am playing with 10fps I tried everything I could find online and from these 2 forum posts.
No GGG response in both posts sadly.

I have no idea what caused this it started after the last patch I think? It is also same in poe1 as well and this does not happen in any other online game I play.

Things I tried with the info I found:
- Join empty chat channels and clear them + disable them.
- Mobile data hotspot
- Ethernet cable
- Disabling Triple-buffering
- Updating my drivers & windows
- Trying different servers
Nothing seems to have any effect at all game is only playable late at night for my region.

Last edited by BlindoBoi#2320 on Dec 15, 2024, 11:39:20 AM
Last bumped on Feb 26, 2025, 12:07:13 PM
Same problem here. The game was perfectly stable for me during launch day and after that it became unplayable. Constant latency spikes, freezes.
same problem, I tried everything, please GGG fix this
Same here, even at launch it was okay, now it feels like 5 fps max.
Sad that we have to have three open threads about this issue and GGG has not acknowledged anything about it.

Game is basically unplayable at this point.

Bump on this thread.
I did the very same things and have the very same issues as the original post. Nothing works. And I need to work so I can rarely play at night. As if that could be a solution.

There is a very big thread about this already existing @GGG
PAY ATTENTION! ...or give some kind of response ffs

mentioned thread : "Continuous Stuttering/Lag Despite Stable FPS and Internet in PoE 2 Early Access"
Same... Game unplayable.
Igual que los compañeros.
En este estado me es imposible jugarlo, por mas que lo intento.
Same here since few days, the game is completely unplayable (unless when I have chance and get a stable server).

The issue doesn't seem to be on client side : I tried absolutely everything and many people exeperienced thoses latency peaks.

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