Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike

Could not have said it better myself, +1.
Whereas PoE2 is already much slower, aiming more somewhere closer to Diablo 1.

I don't think you ever played Diablo 1 if this is your genuine opinion.
+1 for the OP. Agree with everything you said. I would add that there is plenty to like and build off of. Great foundation.
ofRoyale#1856 wrote:
I don't think you ever played Diablo 1 if this is your genuine opinion.

I don't think you remember Diablo 1 if you think I'm wrong.
Also mind that playing Diablo 1 doesn't ONLY consist of picking Mage and teleporting around.
Is it still difficult? Thought we are pass it, seeing YouTube videos of people zipping through the endgame maps makes me think it's a ... drum roll ... Skill Issue, there I said it :)
Is it still difficult? Thought we are pass it, seeing YouTube videos of people zipping through the endgame maps makes me think it's a ... drum roll ... Skill Issue, there I said it :)

I don't think OP is using "difficult" in his points.
He uses "tedium", although it's another weaker point - tedium happens only when your build sucks enough so that killing mobs becomes too slow. Otherwise it goes pretty fast, limited largely by your movement speed.
rob_korn#1745 wrote:
Veterans come from a time where PoE1 was slow as well.

PoE1 was never slow.
It wasn't all zoom-zoom at first indeed, but all the players-mobs interactions were not any different in early days. Meaning, the baseline level of PoE1 was much faster right off the bat. I think GGG aimed at D2 tempo, and they got it (then they slapped so much zoom-zoom over it that it had D2 beaten to dust).

Whereas PoE2 is already much slower, aiming more somewhere closer to Diablo 1.

rob_korn#1745 wrote:
As for myself, that's not an assumption, and I'm not even comparing to PoE1.

Sure, but is it even related to campaign length in the first place? You might just be the type of player that hates rerunning content that were already visited, so ANY length of campaign will be wrong for you personally.

Let's say speed is subjective, so whatever, won't even try more.

But regarding your asspull over the rerun aspect, my profile isn't private. You could have in 2 clicks seen that accross Settlers alone, I have like 5 different characters. What about you stop assuming things ?
rob_korn#1745 wrote:
What about you stop assuming things ?

I don't see how any data on a different game can help your argument here on PoE2, to be honest.
rob_korn#1745 wrote:
What about you stop assuming things ?

I don't see how any data on a different game can help your argument here on PoE2, to be honest.

"type of player that hates rerunning content that were already visited"
I reran PoE1 campaign a hundred times. If you don't see how that invalidates the fact that I could be someone hating rerunning content, I don't know what to tell you.

I guess you just don't see well, or simply bad faith from you. So your opinion is irrelevant, that's about it.
Gl anyway

rob_korn#1745 wrote:
I reran PoE1 campaign a hundred times.

Good, so we can absolutely say it's not campaign length that's even a problem here.

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