POE 2 Stuck in the boss arena after defeating it

+1. was able to work around by exiting to character select and going in the portal again. obv. wont work if you open a portal in the boss arena tho
Just had this happen for the first time. I usually save boss for last, but been trying to focus on bosses now. Seems this patch did not fix this issue.
still not fixed just don't use a portal inside boss room like I did :(
Just got stuck outside the boss arena - boss spawned and I could not enter. Was killing mobs outside the arena when the boss spawned and I got locked out. Could not reset the boss and had to abandon the map and open another.
Did not even reset the boss when I logged out and back in.

Grimhaven map with Consort caster boss.
same for me on rustbowl boss... could not leave the arena again and map was wasted...
if this happens, do not make a portal. just log out and log in again. then you are outside of the map and can enter the last used portal
happen to me as well, i opened a portal inside the arena without knowing and now map is wasted...
Just happened to me too, lost a lvl 16 map :(
Same problem

Last edited by rodosik#4868 on Jan 19, 2025, 2:38:52 PM
got same issue as i found its only one solution. Asking in global chat someone to invite you to party then you teleport to party members hideout from there you go to waypoint then traveling to your hideout and then you have your last portal location on map. it worked for me.

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