PS5 Game Performance is just awful and unplayable

I just got to temple of kenoc in act 3, and wow... I see what people are talking about. It's bad... performance needs optimization or else console player base will leave, including me. I can't imagine how bad it is playing a minion build in end game... I'm only playing a crossbow dude..
Buump, Im experiencing so much stuttering no matter which server I choose it’s literally unplayable.
This might be an EA title and there are a lot of optimizations and performance tuning to be made for the consoles but stuttering should not be happening, even during EA.
Also Bump. Yeah, game in endgame is unplayable, at 91 lvl right now i just gave up and started doing new char, because playing without pack and rare sta king is useless, and on breach when u stack it hard game is literally friezing.

I found a little solution for this (but game is turning a bit to garbage looking).

Console Video settings -> 720p

Dynamic Resolution - OFF
Upscale - Bilinear
Resolution - 1280x720
Sharpness - 0
Lighting - Shadows
Bloom - 25
Culling - ON

On those setting u can at least play a bit normal, but with high mob density + breach/delirium its still lagging. But the game is looking a bit ridiculous.
Level 43 Witch, stopped playing days ago because Drowned City and every area around it is so bad I can't play. Extreme stuttering and slowdown. I don't even have a full minion build, just have some meat shields and chaos curses.

Turned all the settings to minimum, tried ultra resolution mode. Pretty annoying.
Froze 4 times today and worst part game does not pause and you die …
Game is pretty optimized in act 1. But act 2 onwards feels terrible. Act 3 temple of koc is the worst with all the sun brightness. I can get graphic tearing. I love desert map or biome.coz it has the best performance. Nothing fancy all over the place.

I played on Nis 1080p with dynamic culling on .dynamic relosution I guess is kinda useless since 1080 is the lowest in NIS it can scale down to. Unless it can scale down to binelier.

If what Jonathan says is truth that they build this game with console in mind. They should really optimise it.

I wonder what will the Sony CEO thinks when he reach end game or even pass act 1 with this kind of performance.
25-45 fps…nice
Im not gonna change my whole TV and PS5 setting to get atleast 20 frames cause your garbage game
Last edited by Honzjan#9610 on Dec 24, 2024, 3:15:28 AM
Well this post has got 800 replies now. GGG should have noticed. Just crossed my finger that they will optimized it during this EA.
Imme#7640 wrote:
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
Imme#7640 wrote:
So even with
*BLOOM 25%

In high density maps with rituals or breach fps drops to unplayable levels. And even then the graphics are set so low that all I see is pixelated fog.

Hope being able to play the game takes priority over content and balance.

Playing warrior, so not that much going on from my char. I cant even image a high caster or minion build.
Hope performance becomes a priority cause right now doing corrupted high maps is not viable.

Here's my setting on Standard PS5 it works well ( not with Witch that is unplayable passed a certain point ) :

thanks for that, ran a few maps actually better then the lowest settings, guess it uses gpu more then cpu.
Oh and my game does not look like diablo 2 original.

Glad it helped , some of the settings available are highly unstable on PS5 right now .

GGG needs to address that issue quite fast , performance issues got to be #1 priority , bugs #2 and balance #3 .
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