0.1.0d Patch Notes
Unacceptable weakening. I invested all my resources into Ice Mage Comet BD, and it was directly weakened to the point of being unplayable by a patch. Is this reasonable? Can you at least provide a service that resets all talents? There is no money. Going to get a new BD.
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I'm sorry but this is completely unacceptable- having only just made it to maps LITERALLY 15min before patch warning.. Despite having played since launch have 90hrs recorded on steam- admittedly fair amount is afk time but regardless I digress.. I've only played sorc and struggled with ALL the beginning builds to limp through campaign. I finally managed to grind levels and gold and gear to reach COF and finally comet. Invested ALL currency in "vision" crafting projects to upgrade my gear and till now have still not traded with any player in any form.
" In interviews it was stated by the devs- "we don't like to nerf mid season and try our best to avoid these situations because we know it feels bad" - "we are also very unlikely to be nerfing anything for first 2 weeks because we will be putting out fires related to server issues"- well fk me there has been nothing but series of skills NERFS and we only 5 days in. I don't think you understand the negative impact you having on your shrinking community.. You've made an insanely difficult game and pre-release already set about nerfing the shit out of the passive tree from all the theorycrafting floating around. Now with ZERO crafting bench and lets face it "crafting" in its current state is nothing but my close eyes and slam multiple currencies on a white base and hope and PRAYGE to RNGESUS that you end up with something usable after emptying your currency tab on 1 craft. Then lets say you somehow managed to fill your item slots with somewhat usable gear and now have fair chance at completing campaign- not to say some bosses still don't take 20 tries sometimes and require using ALL SKILLS (frost bomb with all supports, frost bolt or eye of winter accurately spammed at boss which doesn't just sit there like a target dummy and then also spam multiple placings of frost walls while trying to freeze a boss in order to bring down 2 COMETS- then repeat while trying not to die and do all mechanics and has no problem moving and one shotting you- how is this an overpowered unintended mechanic??? it takes extreme investment and skill to pull off- now after all this login and BOOM surprise we deleted trigger skills - #GGG- gitgud #sorrynotsorry -Well as someone who has played 8.5k hrs POE and was hesitant to even try this until i saw the reveal and that you decided to add endgame and give us skills that look like they scaled more than hit mob with stick while dodge rolling around - theres ZERO chance I'm going to roll any other class before I even got to run a single map!! and then have the looming concern that whatever I switch to is next on the chopping block.. This is absolutely ridiculous and I know I'm not alone in this feeling - the ones laughing are either next to lose their OP builds or playing something so dogshit they never going to see endgame and have nothing to worry about. So unfortunately I for one didn't sign up for this - Once you have decided which builds we allowed to play post a list so we can choose one from the approved list and can invest time and currency knowing we not just pissing it down the drain when its gutted in few days - and maybe then ill come back and copy paste one. |
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Start new char or play another build. This is EARLY ACCESS, not league, most of builds must be changed. Nobody forces to play with this patches, who doenst want - wait release
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Ty, uninstalled. Path of nerf pseudo masochist game with 0 fun
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Cant believe i am joining the team crying, but since ive been struggling like a tukohama, i really need to voice my opinion.
I have been struggling playing the blood mage, and last night i finally felt like i can handle doing the maps somehow, and now i see that you destroyed the trigger skills? Can you actually start working on the real problem areas (Blood mage ascendancy for example in my perspective), instead of nuking the skills people are playing with? I am super frustrated at the moment, and i do love the direction you are going with the game, just now some decisions on the balancing seems to be going in a totally wrong direction. |
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Please consider to reroll (or find a sweetspot in the between) cast on frezze changes as it make unplayable the comet build, or reduce respec price.
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" In order to balance the ascendancies, these things will be required. You can't accurately determine if one is too weak, if the skill they are using is overtuned. It's a good choice. |
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" Play another build :D |
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" This means that it's far easier to trigger skills from Unique Monsters than it is from normal monsters, but you also hit many more normal monsters when fighting."
When you keep reading this one, line you realize something and it doesn't sit well at all. Elemental Invocation got completely destroyed. .10 from .13 makes it take longer to even get 1 cast, and you can't get max of 7 comets anymore stored... "Champ?
Piss off with your attempts at condescension. I'm fucking Charan. Who the fuck are you? I'm out. This is pathetic. Have fun licking up the sloppy seconds, Bambi. Cloak of de fiance. What a load." -- Ruler of Wraeclast. |
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CoC is unplayable (and for one it's not a false affirmation)
I took 2 days to level a char, yesterday I was happy yo put CoC ON, i had 38.8% crit on my Eye of winter (not underleveled) + crit witness it applies on mobs. CoC was doing fine. This morning I enter a map, I kill 3 packs of mobs before CoC was able to proc once. How can it passes QA or how can you thing it will work when you code 0.10D ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6vXa78Tvvw @Furiouss Last edited by NsFuriouss#4941 on Dec 12, 2024, 3:30:29 AM
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