0.1.0d Patch Notes


Where is the problem, as long as u have enough characters slots, starting a new one is absolutely free. Can't understand the ppl crying who where obviously abusing a skill mechanic until the hardware broke down for not having thought ahead.
Is fixing such an abuse surprising? not in the slightest.
The parents of some ppl her should have taught them how to safe some money for rainy day (or nerfs).

And than the whataboutism. As if GGG is targeting on specific issue and is planning to ignore all the others... That's kindergarten niveau of argumenting.

Could respeccing be cheaper? Sure. BUT
Respeccing is as expensive as it is because of ppl abusing mechanics. So perhaps you should think about ur own behaviour before blaming other ppl?

Wow, you´re delulu af
Cast on Freeze enjoyer, But I will agree it was broken af 10 comets in the matter of seconds. I've rotated to manual casting comet and working better in the long run against bosses. Good change!
Navandis#1596 wrote:
Leemyy#7993 wrote:
thank you for taking the time to upgrade and make changes to the game alongside.
So many commments just feel out of touch with video games and playing and just expecting everything and everyone to bend to their whim.

Anyone that is playing this game in EA and expects everything to be perfect needs to read what early access means.

Do you understand there's a GIANT range between not doing any changes and completely annihilating trigger skills and all the builds relying on them? Like they did for example with gas grenade - they were OP, got toned down, now they're in a decent place. The nerf hit the sweet spot, everyone's happy.

With CoX they completely ruined the linchpin of tens of thousands of characters. And they did that at a point when most people JUST reached maps and were finally enjoying endgame after slogging through 40 hours of campaign. Re-speccing would cost 6-700k gold, not to mention jeweller's orbs wasted, gear, etc.

This basically forced all those people to roll new characters.

NOBODY said anything about no changes in EA or everything being perfect. But the way they handled this nerf in particular is egregious and very damaging.

Sounds to me like the nerf to gas explosions didn't hit you, so the nerf is fair.
But i'm going on a limb here that you were using CoC or CoF and getting broken, oh i'm sorry you use the word fun, results.
And now that the nerf stick hit your character and your anus is so shattered you can't even sit down without screaming.

I get it, nerfs can be painful. But screaming and having fits on boards and twitter isn't going to help you manage your emotions.
Six days...

It's taken six days for GGG to take a super positive and fun culture where people were literally giving away keys so others could enjoy their favorite game franchise and grind it into the dust with a single patch.

If you're a game company and want a good gaming culture, the kind of comments in this patch thread are what you should dread to see. Both new and veteran players are frustrated and pissed off for a variety of legitimate reasons. To add fuel to the fire, there's a plethora of trolls here that are reveling in that frustration and insulting players that have criticisms.

GGG, ask yourself this, after the changes to cast on trigger, how much more or less likely do you think people will be to recommend this game or gift keys?
Last edited by Prestidigitous#3058 on Dec 12, 2024, 10:59:17 AM
Navandis#1596 wrote:
Leemyy#7993 wrote:
thank you for taking the time to upgrade and make changes to the game alongside.
So many commments just feel out of touch with video games and playing and just expecting everything and everyone to bend to their whim.

Anyone that is playing this game in EA and expects everything to be perfect needs to read what early access means.

Do you understand there's a GIANT range between not doing any changes and completely annihilating trigger skills and all the builds relying on them? Like they did for example with gas grenade - they were OP, got toned down, now they're in a decent place. The nerf hit the sweet spot, everyone's happy.

With CoX they completely ruined the linchpin of tens of thousands of characters. And they did that at a point when most people JUST reached maps and were finally enjoying endgame after slogging through 40 hours of campaign. Re-speccing would cost 6-700k gold, not to mention jeweller's orbs wasted, gear, etc.

This basically forced all those people to roll new characters.

NOBODY said anything about no changes in EA or everything being perfect. But the way they handled this nerf in particular is egregious and very damaging.

Did you go in and do the calculations? Did you reach out to every player and consult with them? You say ruined tens of thousands of characters... how you as a player come to this conclusion is baffling to me.

I trust the POE devs to make changes for the better of the game even if players refuse to try to understand it. It's EA. Expecting change and going with the flow should be part of what you signed up for.
The proper way to handle overtuned cast on x interactions should have been to increase the cost required for certain OP skills to proc rather that completely gut the base cast on mechanic and make it useless in all circumstances.

After reading through way too many pages of comments here, it sounds like you did exactly this to comet ON TOP of completely gutting the base gem mechanic.

As a first time PoE player that's spent 25 hours building a very weak-feeling ice sorc towards the cast on freeze build so that i can finally feel powerful, having to go back to the drawing board at this stage (with only enough gold to respec a point or two and 0 orbs to turn magics into rares) leaves a bad taste in my mouth for the developer and game.

Nobody wants killing trash mobs and rare monsters in act 2/6 to take a minute or more of kiting and require sweating your balls off to avoid death. I'm sure you nerfed this intending to keep people from blowing out the endgame but in the process completely fucked everyone still trying to make it through the campaign to get to a point where better gear and upgrade mats drop more frequently.
So, right now game have just 5 working builds:
-archimage, CI+MOM
-summoner infernalist
-lighting bow
-warbringer with Imploding impact
-merc with granades(nerfed)
Amazing variety. Who will be destroed next?

And people say D4 has no builds lmao. Look who's laughing now.
And dont say its still in EA, GGG had 5 years of developement in poe 2, aside with 10 years of poe 1 to make more builds viable. Not just focusing on a handfull.
thanks for shadow destroying LA.
Yesterday right before log out damage was 11k, today after log in damage is 7k without ANY changes in my build.
Absolutely no desire to continue playing.
Please fix atlas I open waypoint and enter it client sent me to login page so and my waystone consume wtf

And now that the nerf stick hit your character and your anus is so shattered you can't even sit down without screaming.

You okay there buddy?
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