0.1.0d Patch Notes

What's the point?
You've completely killed the meta skill gems.
The branch of the monk's ascendancy to meta skills is also useless now.

If you think someone will use it, you are deeply mistaken. It's just garbage mechanics now.

Drop poe 2 came earlier than expected :(
«Забавная вещь — амбиции. Они могут вознести человека к величайшим высотам, однако могут и ввергнуть в пучину безысходности. И иногда одно не отличить от другого.»
Last edited by monomental#3090 on Dec 12, 2024, 3:25:04 AM
GGG: We wont be heavily nerfing stuff in Early Access

-SIKE, lets make your ~400k respec cost worthless by basicly removing 'cast on' interactions. Now you shall remain stuck with no gold to respec or to farm back up due to build doing less than a fraction of what it did.
Loving this thread of so many people being surprised devs are making changes to an early access beta they paid 30 dollars to beta test
Cassia supremacy
Amazing update guys! Now I can't even get past through the login screen without my PC freezing!! Well done!!
Spend around 45k yesterday in the evening to build my CoF Comet Sorc, coming online today to see this mess. Thought well lets stop bitching around and clear a map? Dieng non stop while killing nothing and not having the gold to respec. Guess i am quitting for the moment till this is changed again or we get a refound of the gold :)
First of all:
The game is great, I have a lot of fun with it and really enjoy the challenges. Thanks to GGG for that!
Is it possible to rework the revival system in group play please? It's a bit annoying that you can only be revived by party members in normal gameplay. That's okay for bosses, but it would be great if you could revive yourself at the checkpoint during the normal course of the game.
Thanks in advance.
Feels bad to play cast on frost now, kinda sad u nerfed it so hard, its not a good build now...
Really cool patch overall, not sure what made my 100% energy Elemental Invocation + Capacitor go from 5 comets to 3 comets, but I guess something in that not very detailed section of meta energy in the notes
No fun allowed (TM)
Jesus! This continous nerfs are amazing.
Thank you for killing my second char in a row.

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