0.1.0d Patch Notes

oh no...
Last edited by Draekongard#4980 on Dec 17, 2024, 2:23:14 PM
Cast on freeze absolutely gutted to the ground wtf...
If this change was meant to ease the workload on servers it'll most likely be a success. RIP sorc.

It's not only sorc affected by this. Many builds were Cast on trigger but sorc is a very very popular class probably its played by 20%+
Last edited by itubogdan#4424 on Dec 12, 2024, 4:02:36 AM
This means that it's far easier to trigger skills from Unique Monsters than it is from normal monsters, but you also hit many more normal monsters when fighting

Sorry, but what are you smoking GGG? Have you even played with trigger skills to understand how they work in practice? For CoF you now need to freeze the boss twice to get one cast out. Previously one single freeze was sufficient, so how is it "FAR EASIER" now?

"You will also hit many more normal monsters". Again, what are you talking about??? Previously, freezing 2-3 normal mobs was sufficient to trigger, now you need 30 of them. Your changes don't affect AoE either so...??? Or do you imagine (again because you clearly didn't play with these skills) that we will now train 30-40 mobs first, then trigger. As if that was possible with how hard mobs hit in maps.
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Last edited by Navandis#1596 on Dec 12, 2024, 4:02:53 AM
I think the meta gem Nerf is too much. These gems were playstyle defining and now are basically unusable. Not to mention the people whose builds are now bricked who spent so many hours and can not afford a respec.
Seriously what is the point of EA when you nerfed a build like nuke it and the gold for change in higher level is so high? How can I still play this game with this mindset? I wonder GGG engineer even played the game.
As a player who has been looking forward to Poe2 for 6 years, although I am not playing trigger build. I really don't dare to continue playing this game now. I can't predict that one day the character I worked so hard for will be thrown directly into the trash can by ggg and then tell me that your character will die from now on. This level of nurf is really worrying
Ya, nerfing builds before balancing anything else... The moment when a crossbow skeleton hits harder than a boss, ya ggg pls nerf build that will help!

Iam not affected, but i can understand the frustration.
It would be nice if we could receive some gold or passive skill points every time there's a big nerf during EA. Many builds become unplayable due to the nerfs, and we don't have enough gold to rework our builds. Thx GGG
I wish I loved anything as much as people in the streamer-sphere vastly overrate the percentage of players that are influenced by the streamer-sphere.

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