POE 2 Lost skill points

any fix for points lost after respec?
lost one point after leveling up and respeccing another point. The respec removed the skill point but did not refund, so one point missing.
Just log out and back into the game and it should fix.
I had this issue when doing respecs and was confused when I wasn't losing the gold.

When respeccing passive tree, I found unspecccing something and then hitting confirm then allocating the points prevented this issue.
I also lost 4 points, I left the game and came back, but it didn't work.
20 points lost on my end 🤦
Just lost a skill point in act 3.
I just misplaced it
Last edited by Lione_the_Purified_King#4607 on Dec 23, 2024, 11:10:23 PM
Same I lost 8 points. Really makes me want to not play anymore.
Same...Lost 6 Skillpoints after respeccing in Act3/3. Is there a solution for this?
Restarting did not help.
Last edited by ReaverX0X#1316 on Dec 24, 2024, 6:43:51 AM
I had significant difficulty during respec with the Hooded One in A3/6. The changes just wouldn't "stick." They appeared as if they did, but if I checked immediately after I could see nothing was changed. I don't believe I lost any points, but there seems to be a bug w/ the a3/6 Hooded One. I got around this by porting to the a2/4 Hooded One.
Lost 3 points refunding when I picked up a jewel that was in a socket I wanted to refund. I have the video as soon as I pick up the jewel available passives go from 7 to 0. Went back in and most of the points went back where they belong except for 3 that never returned and I have none available. Really hurts cuz 3 points takes a while at a higher level and just puts your character at a forever disadvantage. Wish there was something that can be done about it. EDIT after a few log ins they're back. Weird but at least it fixed itself
Last edited by No_names#7370 on Dec 24, 2024, 6:19:54 PM

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